
encash [ɪnˈkæʃ] [inˈkæʃ] 

encash 基本解释


encash 网络解释

1. 付现:encasement 装箱 | encash 付现 | encastage 排列

2. 使兑成现金:ensky 使耸入天际,把...捧上天 | encash 使兑成现金 | enslave 使成奴隶,奴役

3. 把...兑现兑现,取得现金:378encasevt. 围住,包起;把...装入箱内 | 379encash把...兑现兑现,取得现金 | 380encephalitisn. 脑炎

4. 兑现:economic motivation 经济动机 | encash 兑现 | ethnocentric 种族中心倾向

encash 双语例句

1. I'd like to encash my traveler's check.

2. He is going to the bank to encash a bill of exchange.

3. He went to the bank to encash a bill of exchange.

4. He goes to bank to encash a bill of exchange.

5. He went to the bank to encash a piece of draft.


6. He went to the bank to encash a P. O.


7. He goes to bank to encash a P. O.


8. In cash payment, a TIC shall encash the entrusted property before the date of distribution or entrustment termination as stipulated in the entrustment contract (If there are public holidays at the moment, the encashment can be deferred accordingly), and deposit the cash in the account designated by the entrustment document.

9. In cash payment, a TIC shall encash the entrusted property before the date of distri but ion or entrustment termination as stipulated in the entrustment contract (If there are public holidays at the moment, the encashment can be deferred accordingly), and deposit the cash in the account designated by the entrustment document.

10. The recipient will encash it.

11. The holder of a crossed check cannot encash it at the drawee bank and must either deposit it in the drawee bank crediting his account or have the drawee bank pay the sum to another bank crediting his account through the local clearing.