






encroached 基本解释
侵害;侵占;侵犯( encroach的过去式和过去分词 );妨碍;
encroached 单语例句

1. encroached的翻译

1. Three years ago China added a clause to its constitution saying that private property was " not to be encroached upon ".

2. encroached的反义词

2. They have encroached upon China's territorial and oceanic sovereignty, as well as its legitimate rights over the exclusive economic zone and continental shelves.

3. encroached的近义词

3. Such capacity can deter any potential adversary should China's national interests be encroached upon.

4. encroached

4. But society will pay dearly in the long run if social justice and citizens'equal rights are encroached upon.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The ministry said torrential rain destroyed a path along the railway early Friday morning, so some villagers encroached railway side fences and walked along the railway line.

6. Online marriage has encroached on social ethics and even violates the law.

7. The modern world of a highway is only audible from behind the shrubbery - a faint reminder of how much urbanity has encroached upon us.

8. At the same time, pop culture began to emerge in China and encroached on the territory of science fiction.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The goal was to prevent water from being wasted, farmland from being encroached on and the environment from being polluted.

10. China's fast paced urbanization in recent years has encroached on suburban land used to grow vegetables.