
enquiry [ɪn'kwaɪərɪ]  [ɛnˈkwaɪri, ˈɛnkwəri] 



enquiry 基本解释


名词查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处

enquiry 相关例句


1. After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth.

2. An official enquiry into the incident was launched.

3. Thank you for your enquiry / enquiries about my health.

enquiry 网络解释


1. 查询:必要时,能使用复杂的查询(enquiry)线索检验假设. 能在明确理解对象的基础上采用不同形式呈现思想. 能开发、试用并改进指令系列监控、测量和控制事件,能有效地规划这些指令. 能使用信息与通信技术模型做出预测并在模型内改变规则.

enquiry 词典解释

1. -> see inquiry

enquiry 单语例句

1. enquiry的反义词

1. Some local authorities may prefer a categorical negative answer to any such speculative enquiry.

2. enquiry的解释

2. On Tuesday an enquiry was launched after hackers pirated the computer system at the French laboratory.

3. The arraigned man did not cooperate with Zhao because he was tired of enquiry procedures and showed his indifference to each question the prosecutor asked.

4. Such an enquiry has nothing to do with any " state secret ".

5. The harassed attendants behind the airport enquiry counters directed irritated passengers to the ticket sales counters.

6. Enquiry services for ticket and other information at five MTR stations will be outsourced to cope with staff shortage after the new line opens.

7. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee disclosed the figures on Wednesday, in response to a legislator's enquiry about pickpocketing activities targeting the more valuable smart phones.

8. A good place for America's President to begin his enquiry is with some of the editorial pages from America's leading newspapers.

9. He asked for help from a receptionist at the enquiry desk but was told to call 999.

10. A wide spectrum including netizens, the media and deputies of the People's Congress united to fight the enquiry fee.

enquiry 英英释义



1. enquiry是什么意思

1. a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest

    Synonym: inquiry

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. a search for knowledge

    e.g. their pottery deserves more research than it has received

    Synonym: inquiry research

3. enquiry

3. an instance of questioning

    e.g. there was a question about my training
           we made inquiries of all those who were present

    Synonym: question inquiry query interrogation