
enzyme [ˈenzaɪm]  [ˈɛnzaɪm] 



enzyme 基本解释



enzyme 词典解释

1. enzyme的解释

    An enzyme is a chemical substance that is found in living creatures which produces changes in other substances without being changed itself.

enzyme 单语例句

1. The mutation targeted an enzyme highly active in cancer cells called telomerase, which helps to preserve chromosome structures during the corrosive process of cell replication.

2. enzyme

2. An experimental drug that inhibits the enzyme helped to keep the infection in check in monkeys.

3. They zoomed in on an enzyme called polymerase, which steers the cell's own organs to crank out viral proteins.

4. enzyme的反义词

4. The body normally makes the enzyme, but too much is poisonous.

5. enzyme的意思

5. The brain cells in this area also made greater amounts of an enzyme called aromatase in the heterosexual rams.

6. The enzyme needed for decomposing stalk fibrin could be more expensive than fibrin itself.

7. The enzyme breaks down neurotransmitters including serotonin - a key molecule in the regulation of aggression.

8. The research team discovered a new protocol for a special enzyme inhibitor, which is widely used in the commercial market.

9. enzyme的反义词

9. Tumors in the first group of mice with the CHIP enzyme were far smaller than the one without the enzyme.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The plant was engineered by inserting modified Bt and a protein enzyme gene, said Zheng at the Hebei Agricultural University.

enzyme 英英释义


1. any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions