
epilepsy [ˈepɪlepsi]  ['epɪlepsɪ] 


epilepsy 基本解释



epilepsy 网络解释

1. 癫痫症:答:就我的观察,癫痫症(epilepsy)是对谋杀冲动的防卫. 恐慌症(panic attack)同样也是对谋杀冲动的防卫. 因为他们没办法再往那个方向前进,所以反而从疾病中得到保障. 癫痫症经常发生于孩童身上,可是孩子一般没有谋杀的冲动,

2. 癫癎:[文摘]:目的 癫癎(epilepsy)是临床较常见的难治性、发作性疾患.癫癎的发作是脑的神经元群反复性过度放电的结果.癫癎的发病机制尚未完全明了,但最后通路不外是脑内兴奋与抑制失去平衡.以往癫癎机制的研究大多集中于引起神经元异常放电的上游分子,

epilepsy 词典解释

1. 癫痫;羊角风
    Epilepsy is a brain condition which causes a person to suddenly lose consciousness and sometimes to have fits.

epilepsy 单语例句

1. The epilepsy patients were tested to see just what stimulus would activate the particular neurons they had hooked up to the electrodes.

2. The arrays - so thin they can conform to the surface of the brain - may one day treat epilepsy or other conditions.

3. epilepsy

3. Warning labels admonish those who have family histories of epilepsy or strokes that they may be at risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures.

4. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder and symptoms range from minor lapses of attention to severe and prolonged convulsions and loss of consciousness.

5. The World Health Organization estimates that 50 million people around the world have epilepsy.

6. Yet while children are going under the knife at younger ages, epilepsy specialists are struggling to get that message to tens of thousands of adult patients.

7. epilepsy

7. The medical staff at Xinhua Hospital said the girl was handicapped in her legs, suffered from epilepsy and was mentally retarded.

8. The grandmother said her dream is to cure her grandson's epilepsy, or she will have to accompany him all the time.

9. The Epilepsy Foundation says doctors are performing more operations now because new information has increased their safety.

10. But in this study, women's drinking and caffeine habits were unrelated to the risks of seizure or epilepsy.

epilepsy 英英释义


1. a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions