
episodic [ˌepɪˈsɒdɪk]  [ˌepɪˈsɑ:dɪk] 

episodic 基本解释



episodic 相关例句



1. The book is written in an episodic format.

episodic 网络解释


1. 片段式:所发现的各类媒介框架,包括可信度、政治角力、表演性、性骚扰及公正性等,而这些框架在事件发展各时期的比重不尽相同. 后者如强调个别案例境况之片段式(episodic)框架与提供议题社会情境的主题式(thematic)框架(Iyengar, 1991).

2. 插话式的:drunken driving 酒后开车 | episodic 插话式的 | largamente <意>adv.[音]宽大地,广阔地,宽广地

3. 幕的:episodic subsidence 阶段性沉降 | episodic 幕的 | epistilbite 柱沸石

episodic 词典解释

1. 不定期发生的;偶尔发生的
    Something that is episodic occurs at irregular and infrequent intervals.

    e.g. ...episodic attacks of fever.

2. (写作或电影)有许多片段的,不连贯的
    An episodic piece of writing or film consists of a series of events, which often seem not to be connected.

    e.g. ...an episodic narrative of unrelated characters connected only by time and place.

episodic 单语例句

1. episodic的意思

1. The award for episodic TV comedy went to NBC's " 30 Rock, " while HBO's " The Sopranos " won in the drama category.

2. These episodic outcries at the black political vernacular reveal the force and the fragility of King's legacy.

3. Both sides like to claim that there exist more than 60 bilateral dialogue mechanisms, but these are episodic and not regular.

4. episodic在线翻译

4. The award for episodic TV comedy went to " The Office, " while " Grey's Anatomy " won in the drama category.

5. episodic的近义词

5. The Last Boy is an episodic tour of Mantle's athletic achievements - three MVP awards, the triple crown in 1956 - and his physical and emotional traumas.

6. David Mitchell's latest novel also felt autobiographical, strung together from episodic chapters that might almost be read as short stories.

7. We have witnessed the episodic spasms of intellectual awakening and internal reflection in the form of May 4 Movement in China in 1919.

episodic 英英释义


1. limited in duration to a single episode

    e.g. an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers

2. occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals

    e.g. episodic in his affections
           occasional headaches

    Synonym: occasional

3. of writing or narration
    divided into or composed of episodes

    e.g. the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together