
epitaph [ˈepɪtɑ:f]  [ˈepɪtæf] 


epitaph 基本解释


epitaph 网络解释


1. 碑文:coffin 棺材 | gravestone 墓碑 | epitaph 碑文

2. 墓志铭体的诗文,墓志铭:epistle 书信 | epitaph 墓志铭体的诗文,墓志铭 | epithet 附加於人名后之描述词

3. 墓志铭/碑文:颂词eulogy | 墓志铭/碑文epitaph | 寿衣funeral cloth

epitaph 词典解释

1. epitaph

1. 纪念死者的文字;(常指)墓志铭,碑文
    An epitaph is a short piece of writing about someone who is dead, often carved on their grave.

epitaph 单语例句

1. epitaph的意思

1. Andrew Carnegie wrote an epitaph declaring himself to be " a man who knew how to enlist in his service better men than himself ".

2. While Ma can't read the epitaph - he is illiterate - he says he and Hu understand the feeling.

3. Nadal put his arm around his great rival before delivering an epitaph fitting such a momentous match.

4. Inside the chamber was a stone epitaph inscribed with ancient Chinese characters and a foreign script.

epitaph 英英释义



1. an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there

2. epitaph的翻译

2. a summary statement of commemoration for a dead person