


EQ 基本解释
Educational Quotient 教育商数;equation 平衡;equipment 设备;
EQ 网络解释


1. 等于:operator[可选] 端口*作符,在协议类型为TCP或UDP时支持端口比较,支持的比较*作有:等于(eq)、大于(gt)、小于(lt)、不等于(neq)或介于(range如果*作符为range,则后面需要跟两个端口.

2. 均衡:16通道便携DSP效果插件火线接口混音处理卡,高达96KHz采样频率,基于SSL C系列调音台声音进行设计的. 并提供SSL最高品质 均衡(EQ)& 动态(Dynamics)插件. 可升级至32通道处理能力.

3. eq:emotional-quotient; 情商

4. eq:edible quality; 食味品质

5. eq:emotions quotient; 情感智商

6. eq:emotional quotient; 情绪智力

EQ 单语例句

1. EQ的近义词

1. No employees were believed to have been inside the EQ Industrial Services plant when the blasts rocked it late Thursday.

2. " Quality education " or " competence education " has been officially promoted throughout the country, which aims to encourage both IQ and EQ of students.

3. Three significant fires burned Friday night, all under the collapsed building that housed EQ Industrial Services.

4. Tao says that while Zhang's IQ is very high, his EQ is low.

5. He may have a low EQ, and indeed his low EQ may leave him unpopular.