


equities 基本解释


名词股票; 普通股

equities 网络解释


1. 股票:这本书就是基于这样的观点--考虑到股票并不比债券风险大这样的因素,对长期投资者来说,股票(equities)会达到更高的交易估值. 到头来,本世纪头十年英国股票平均时间年收益率(包括收入)只有1.2%--美国股票(equities)的收益是2.2%.

2. 股权:古代的富翁是因为拥有庞大的土地资源(Lands现代的富翁都是因为拥有某家好公司的大量公司股权(Equities). 资本市场的乐章就是快乐与痛苦音符交替进行,能体会其中道理的投资人就是行家啊!不懂得欣赏的人,只看到资本市场的获利(Profit

3. 权益:此等报表对于企业经营者及主管、投资人、银行以及政府机构提供了重要的决策信息. 总之,会计之基本目的在于收集资料(data analysis)以供决策. 表示企业在某一特定日期(Point of time)之财务状况. 表上列出企业资产(Assets)、负债(Liabilities)及业主权益(Equities).

4. 证券:调查根据挂钩标的或产品结构的不同,提供了九大类结构化产品的发行商排名,即证券(Equities)、对冲基金(Hedge Fund)、外汇(FX products)、商品(Commodities)、混合证券(Hybrids)、信用/固定收益(Credit/Fixed income)、利率(Interest R

equities 词典解释

1. (在优先股之后享受红利的)股票,普通股
    Equities are shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits after the holders of preference shares have been paid.

    e.g. Investors have poured money into US equities.

equities 单语例句

1. equities的解释

1. A Japanese investor who held dollar equities or real estate could instead have offset the exchange rate loss by buying yen futures.

2. Bargain hunters pushed Chinese equities to edge up Tuesday, led by energy and financial large caps.

3. equities

3. This means that the cost of capital and the strength of the US dollar will be a bigger factor for Chinese equities next year.

4. Chinese equities rose in active trade on Tuesday, as a report of extended new loans in October lifted optimism for sustained economic growth.

5. The survey also showed equities continued to be the most actively used asset class, and gold the most favored hedging instrument this year.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. China wants to build the OTC equities market as a supplement to its stock exchanges, which have seen their total capitalization surging in recent years.

7. Chinese equities closed almost flat in the morning session, but dived in the afternoon as investors sold holdings to cash in on earlier gains.

8. About 80 percent of the surveyed eyed stocks, cash reserves and equities as their top choices.

9. equities的翻译

9. BEIJING - Chinese equities close down Wednesday led by property developers and banks.

10. Such products are likely to generate yields that are slightly higher than banks'interest rates, and they involve comparatively lower risks than equities.