
erstwhile [ˈɜ:stwaɪl]  [ˈɜ:rstwaɪl] 

erstwhile 基本解释


形容词从前的; 往昔的; 以前的; 原来的

副词从前; 往昔地

erstwhile 网络解释

1. 以前的,往昔的:belying belie的现在分词,掩饰,与-不符,使-失望;证明为假 | erstwhile 以前的,往昔的 | tin 锡

2. 以前:erst 以前 | erstwhile 以前 | erubescence 变红

3. 从前的(以前的,原来的,往昔):pristine原来的,古时的,原始的 | erstwhile从前的(以前的,原来的,往昔) | intimidationn. 恐吓,威胁

4. 过去的:踏上 embark on | 过去的 erstwhile | 可观的发展 substantial headway

erstwhile 词典解释

1. 以往的;往昔的
    You use erstwhile to describe someone that used to be the type of person indicated, but no longer is.

    e.g. Erstwhile workers may have become managers...
    e.g. He fled to America with Phyllis Burton, an erstwhile friend of his wife's.

erstwhile 单语例句

1. Even victory in the 100m did little to paper over the cracks of a calamitous few days for the erstwhile golden boy of Japanese swimming.

2. erstwhile的近义词

2. And later in the summer CERN plans a public performance of the sound of the erstwhile silent particles by musicians from among its scientific community.

3. The US support to European integration was born mainly out of the need to counterbalance the erstwhile Soviet Union.

4. Their words are reminiscent of the days 20 years ago when US politicians were overjoyed to see the disintegration of the erstwhile Soviet Union.


5. Management has put on a collective facade of endurance, replacing its erstwhile flamboyance and euphoria.

6. Experts from the erstwhile Soviet Union were invited in 1956 to oversee the construction.

7. This has become the refrain of his detractors, who obviously cannot reconcile the erstwhile critical spirit with his new moderate self.

8. erstwhile

8. Urbanization is the obligatory process through which resources are optimized and living standards rise for the vast majority of the erstwhile rural population.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Given that sequence of events, our erstwhile extreme sports enthusiasts are now put in the position of saving the world.

10. Three decades after the erstwhile Soviet Union's tanks rolled into Afghanistan, another superpower is struggling to bring " stability and order " in the country.

erstwhile 英英释义


1. at a previous time

    e.g. at one time he loved her
           her erstwhile writing
           she was a dancer once

    Synonym: once formerly at one time erst