

es 基本解释

abbr.Spain 西班牙; dota中撼地神牛简称; Expert System 专家系统; 暴雪公司游戏黑暗游侠简称

es 网络解释

1. 西班牙:芬兰(FI)、法国(FR)、德国(DE)、希腊(GR)、匈牙利(HU)、冰岛(IS)、爱尔兰(IE)、意大利(IT)、列支敦士登(LI)、卢森堡(LU)、荷兰(NL)、挪威(NO)、波兰(PL)、葡萄牙(PT)、罗马尼亚(RO)、斯洛伐克(SK)、斯洛文尼亚(SI)、西班牙(ES)、瑞典(SE)、瑞

2. 撼地神牛:一般特指这几个:术士(wl),撼地神牛(es),潮汐猎人(th),树精卫士(tp),半人猛犸象(mag),女神龙(puck). 初接触DotA的玩家可以先成立AI版进行熟悉,待对英雄情况以及物品性能有了绝对是解,即可以去DotA站点及社区与其它玩家切磋交流了.而在英雄的选择上,

3. 西班牙语:提供了下面几种语言的分区管理器更新联机帮助:德语 (de)、英语 (en)、西班牙语 (es)、法语 (fr)、意大利语 (it)、日语 (ja)、朝鲜语 (ko)、简体中文 (zh-cn) 和繁体中文 (zh-tw).

4. es:ezpert system; 专家系统

5. es:evolutionary strategy; 进化策略

6. es:embryonic stemcells; 胚胎干细胞

7. es:employe satifaction; 雇员满意

es 单语例句

1. The supertanker is the first to call at Es Sider in at least two years, the data shows.

2. The eye chart features the capital Es in different sizes and positions on different lines.

3. es的近义词

3. The accident occurred on Sunday in Korogwe, about 200 km northwest of the commercial capital Dar es Salaam.

4. There was also widespread devastation in Dar es Salaam, where a BBC correspondent said the embassy reception area had been destroyed.

5. Hu flew into Port Louis from Dar es Salaam, after paying a state visit to Tanzania.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The bus was traveling from Arusha to Dar es Salaam while the truck was going from Dar es Salaam to Tanga.

7. The mayor of Dar es Salaam on Monday met with visiting producers of the torch relay for the 2008 Olympic Summer Games.

8. China will build an international conference center in the capital of Dar es Salaam for conventions and tourism development.

9. Annan issued a statement on Friday in Dar es Salaam after receiving a briefing on an investigation into the charges.

10. Of 11 ES cases, two cases have later been identified as carrying the mutant genes.