
esquire [isˈkwaiə]  [ˈɛsˌkwaɪr, ɪˈskwaɪr] 


esquire 基本解释


esquire 网络解释


1. 骑士:<<超人>>最初曾引起过有关编辑的争论,<<骑士>>(Esquire)的编辑曾认为<<超人>>似乎显得草率粗糙,而麦克卢尔辛迪加的编辑谢尔登迈耶却完全否认道:胡说!这正是我们所期待的作品!遗撼的是他的上司也没有持肯定的态度. 在随后的三年中,

2. 男性尊称:男性至上主义者sexist | 男性尊称esquire | 男修道院长abbot

3. 老爷(美):工人日报(英、美) DailyWork | 老爷(美) Esquire | 远东经济评论(港) Far East Economic Review

esquire 词典解释

1. 先生(用于男子姓名后表尊敬,尤用于信封上)
    Esquire is a formal title that can be used after a man's name if he has no other title, especially on an envelope that is addressed to him.

esquire 单语例句

1. The actor who plays the roles of emperors and peasants in period dramas is fondly being called " Cover Uncle " by some readers of China's Esquire.

2. esquire的反义词

2. " I don't want to be a product, " he tells January's Esquire.

3. The'Dark Knight'actor has been recognised for his love of sharp suits in a new style list by men's magazine Esquire.

4. " I'm freakish about breakfast, " she explains to an Esquire magazine writer there to interview her.

5. The new men's magazine was started by the publisher Pang Wei, who used to be chief editor of Esquire.

6. Fallon was the subject of an article published last week in Esquire magazine that portrayed him as opposed to President Bush's Iran policy.

7. Chinese actor Chen Kun makes an apperance on the cover of the August issue of Esquire magazine.

8. Gates said he did not think it was the Esquire article alone that prompted Fallon to quit.

9. The images look like a duplicate of actress Fan's Esquire magazine cover shoot.

10. China swimming star Sun Yang posed for a photo shoot with Esquire magazine recently.

esquire 英英释义



1. (Middle Ages) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight
    a candidate for knighthood