
estimated ['estɪmetɪd]  ['estɪmetɪd] 





estimated 基本解释
估计的;估算的;预计的;估计,评价,评估( estimate的过去式和过去分词 );估计,估量,预算;
estimated 网络解释


1. 估计的:)Unearned income 递延收入(反映在固定付款(fixed payment)的设备抵押票据和直接融资租赁交易开始时交易的毛应收款(gross transaction receivables)以及(在公允市值交易中的)估计的(estimated)公允市值超过设备成本的数额.

2. 估计:由于第7项的总和是基于估计(estimated),因此,该生要至少准备一年的资金以防万一. 3.1.9 备注 (Remarks)包括学校的一些重要事项3.1.10 学校的签名一般是由列在第2项中的学校官员签名,以证明该表格是由学校发出并经过学校批准,

3. 预计的,估计的:estimate budget 概算 | Estimated 预计的,估计的 | estimated cost 估计成本

4. 估计出的:Enable 使得能够,使得.......得到 | Estimated 估计出的 | Exclusively 只

estimated 单语例句

1. Business inventory spending surged to an estimated $ 56 billion in the fourth quarter after a 2 billion decline in the third quarter.

2. estimated

2. It is estimated that current business volume of the catering trade is about 10 per cent up year on year.

3. It's estimated that millions of people in Hangzhou will be affected by the regulation.

4. An estimated more than 2 billion passenger trips are to be taken by road, rail and air.

5. It is estimated that the zone's gross domestic product will grow to 150 billion yuan by 2020.

6. It is estimated that 500 million square meters of solar water heating will be installed by the year of 2020.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. It is estimated that by then China's digital cable TV users will be up to 30 million.

8. There are still an estimated 20 million people affected by water shortages in western China.

9. He estimated the cache was big enough to arm a regimental force - a few thousands soldiers.

10. Bush's call for restoring manned flights to the Moon is estimated at costing US $ 12 billion over the next five years.