
ethanol [ˈeθənɒl]  [ˈeθənoʊl] 

ethanol 基本解释



ethanol 网络解释


1. 乙醇:电话:075588830777 南昌异丁醇,化工原料厂南昌二甲苯,南昌苯乙烯,南昌抗油剂, 南昌白电油南昌白电油, 南昌天那水 长沙化工原料厂 长沙苯乙烯,天那水,长沙甲苯,长沙白电油,三氯甲烷,白电油 广州化工原料公司 广州粗甲苯, 乙醇(Ethanol).

2. 乙醇,酒精:贾可布森提出警告,大多数人支持的乙醇酒精(Ethanol)燃料对地球的危害、空气污染、水污染、人体健康、动物生存的影响,将超过现有石化燃料. 贾可布森以最新的研究报告指出,乙醇酒精燃料会比石化燃料排放更多的空气污染物质.

3. 酒精:聊过了E85酒精燃料的来龙去脉,现在你应该已经明白所谓E85,指的是其成份,85%酒精(ethanol)和15%石油. 同时你也知道E85,以美国为例,因为政府给予税率减免,比一般石油便宜20%至35%. 身在台湾,油价高涨的问题并未如欧美国家的杀伤力来的强,

4. 醇:3.乙醇 乙醇(ethanol)是一种应用广泛的消毒剂,消毒效果好,且对其他灭菌剂例如戊二醛、碘伏、氯已定(洗必泰)等有增效或协同作用. 通常使用浓度为70%-75%的乙醇水溶液. 由于乙醇不能杀死芽孢,所以,取材器械等物品一般不宜用乙醇浸泡消毒.

ethanol 词典解释

1. 同 alcohol
    Ethanol is another name for alcohol .

ethanol 单语例句

1. Even the importation of cheap ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane would not enable this alternative to oil to achieve a breakthrough.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Some countries such as Brazil have a vested interest in producing ethanol because they grow lots of sugar cane.

3. The ministry would also subsidize demonstration projects producing ethanol from cellulose, sweet sorghum and cassava or making biodiesel from forest products.

4. In the very near future cars in all of China's southern region may be running on ethanol fuel from cassava.

5. Guangxi is the first Chinese locality to commercially produce ethanol fuel with cassava instead of grain.

6. Used mostly in motors as an additive for gasoline, fuel ethanol was originally produced from main grain crops including corn and wheat.

7. ethanol

7. As more and more ethanol production distilleries come on line, 30 percent of the US corn harvest next year will go into ethanol production.

8. ethanol是什么意思

8. An ethanol blending ratio of 10 percent is common in the United States, the second largest producer and consumer of ethanol.

9. But the cost of ethanol gasolines is comparably high because of the more complicated producing process.

10. The United States could increase imports of ethanol from Brazil to fulfill the increasing demand, but is constrained by import tariffs designed to protect US corn farmers.

ethanol 英英释义


1. the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors
    used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel
    proposed as a renewable clean-burning additive to gasoline

    Synonym: ethyl alcohol fermentation alcohol grain alcohol