1. 使变青白:etic 非位的 | etiolate 使变青白 | etiolation 青白化
2. 使变苍白:使变薄attenuat | 使变苍白etiolate | 使变成metamorphose
3. 变苍白:etiolate 使变青白 | etiolate 变苍白 | etiolation 青白化
4. 使变青白/使变苍白/变苍白:etiladrianol /乙苯福林/ | etiolate /使变青白/使变苍白/变苍白/ | etiolation /青白化/黄化/苍白化/
1. etiolate
1. make pale or sickly
e.g. alcohol etiolates your skin
2. etiolate在线翻译
2. bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight
3. etiolate的解释
3. make weak by stunting the growth or development of