
eulogise ['ju:lədʒaɪz]  ['ju:ləˌdʒaɪz] 

eulogise 基本解释



eulogise 网络解释

1. 称赞[注]注意发音:5.allude to: 提到,暗指 | 6.eulogise: 称赞[注]注意发音 | 7.revivial: 复兴

eulogise 双语例句

1. It is typical of this biography that Ebenstein invites Schwartz to eulogise Friedman for a couple of paragraphs, but gives the reader no sense of her contribution to the Monetary History, or how the pair worked together.


2. For example, he has a revisionist view of the Medici, stubbornly refusing to eulogise Cosimo or Lorenzo de` Medici, the conventional heroes of popular histories of Renaissance Florence.
    举个例子,他坚持修正关于美第奇家族的一个观点,拒绝称颂科西莫·美第奇和洛伦佐·美第奇(Lorenzo de` Medici),尽管他们依照流行的历史观点被认为是佛洛伦萨文艺复兴时期的英雄。

eulogise 英英释义


1. praise formally and eloquently

    e.g. The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral

    Synonym: eulogize