1. 悲情颂歌:67 - Paper Hero 真正英雄 | 68 - Eulogy 悲情颂歌 | 69 - The Genesis Pits 实验基地
2. 颂词:episode#插曲 | eulogy#颂词 | euphony#悦耳之音
3. 赞词:eulogize 称赞 | eulogy 赞词 | eumitosis 常有丝分裂
1. 颂文;颂词
A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something very much.
2. eulogy
2. 悼词;悼文
A eulogy is a speech, usually at a funeral, in which a person who has just died is praised.
1. The final installment in the trilogy and eulogy to the art of calligraphy is liberating in its explosive freedom and unlimited possibilities.
2. eulogy
2. " Top of ten thousand mountains " was his eulogy of the place.
3. This is especially true in the entertainment circle, where the eulogy has been rampant in recent years.
4. eulogy
4. You might be forgiven for thinking the PM was delivering a eulogy to a Head of State.
5. Rather than being a eulogy, Zong displays different aspects of Feng's personality through the minor incidents in his life.
6. eulogy的近义词
6. Our big boss stepped forward to deliver a eulogy and was soon in tears.
7. President Bush will deliver a eulogy and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev will be among the mourners.
8. The second half will feature the symphonic chorus Eulogy to China, composed by Wang Yi.