
evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt]  [ɪˈvæpəˌret] 





evaporate 基本解释



不及物动词蒸发; 消失; 发散气体

及物动词使脱水; 使蒸发; 使挥发; 使沉淀

evaporate 相关例句


1. The sun will evaporate the mist.

2. The sun soon evaporated the morning dew.


1. The pool of water evaporated in the sun.

2. His anger evaporated as the misunderstanding was explained.

evaporate 网络解释


1. 蒸发:国内最先开始生产这些材料的是 台州的天台和河北的安平,天台是以纺织纤维为原料的据多,象台州黄岩腾达筛网厂 等一批 是最早从事 这个行业的企业; 而安平是以五金为原材料 生产出的网 在全国来说都是非常有名的 蒸发(evaporate)只发生在液体表面的

2. 蒸发、冷化:Escape valve 安全线 | Evaporate 蒸发、冷化 | Evaporating 蒸发量

3. [动]蒸[挥]发,汽化:ethanol 乙醇,酒精 | evaporate [动]蒸[挥]发,汽化 | evaporation 蒸(挥]发,汽化

4. 蒸发产物:evaluation of intelligence 情报评价 | evaporate 蒸发产物 | evaporation 蒸发

evaporate 词典解释

1. (使)蒸发;(使)挥发
    When a liquid evaporates, or is evaporated, it changes from a liquid state to a gas, because its temperature has increased.

    e.g. Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates...
    e.g. The water is evaporated by the sun.

High temperatures also result in high evaporation from the plants...
The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.

2. (情绪)逐渐消失;(计划)逐渐落空;(活动)逐渐停止
    If a feeling, plan, or activity evaporates, it gradually becomes weaker and eventually disappears completely.

    e.g. My anger evaporated and I wanted to cry...
    e.g. Your dreams always seem to evaporate, and nothing ever quite matches expectations...

evaporate 单语例句

1. For every drop of rain that falls, three times as much could evaporate back into the atmosphere in certain areas.

2. Even the coordinated action may not break the panicky mindset that has gripped investors across the world as jobs evaporate and retirement savings dry up.

3. A waitress poured on the plate to evaporate the dry ice beneath and generate mist.

4. Where can you be reasonably assured that your housing investment won't evaporate?

5. If the temporary increase on the gasoline tax is terminated at the end of March, half of the revenue for road projects would evaporate.

6. Apart from the problems that have surfaced recently, some ailments plaguing the country for a long time could hardly evaporate soon.

7. evaporate的解释

7. As all the bubbles of artificial derivatives evaporate, it is the throngs of ordinary workers who are propping up the economies.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. As numerous jobs evaporate in the land of our trading partners too, we need to hold steady the value of our currency.

9. The pressure comes from Western buyers and their agents, who cut prices so low that profits diminish and evaporate.

10. The ripples it creates will soon evaporate without making any difference to anything or anybody.

evaporate 英英释义


1. become less intense and fade away gradually

    e.g. her resistance melted under his charm
           her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance

    Synonym: melt disappear

2. lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue

    e.g. evaporate milk

    Synonym: vaporize vaporise

3. change into a vapor

    e.g. The water evaporated in front of our eyes

    Synonym: vaporise

4. cause to change into a vapor

    e.g. The chemist evaporated the water

    Synonym: vaporise