
example [ɪgˈzɑ:mpl]  [ɪgˈzæmpl] 



example 基本解释

名词例子; 范例; 榜样; 先例

及物动词作为…的例子; 为…做出榜样

不及物动词举例; 作为…的示范

example 相关词组

1. for example : 例如;

2. without example : 没有先例;

example 相关例句


1. Mary's courage is an example to us all.

2. This dictionary has many examples of how verbs are used.

3. Their courage was an example to all of us.

4. Please give an example.

example 词典解释

1. 例子;例证;实例
    An example of something is a particular situation, object, or person which shows that what is being claimed is true.

    e.g. The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital...
    e.g. Listed below are just a few examples of some of the family benefits available.

2. 范例;样本;代表
    An example of a particular class of objects or styles is something that has many of the typical features of such a class or style, and that you consider clearly represents it.

    e.g. Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect examples of early symphonic construction...
    e.g. The plaque illustrated in Figure 1 is an example of his work at this time.

3. 例如;比如
    You use for example to introduce and emphasize something which shows that something is true.

    e.g. ...'educational toys' that are designed to promote the development of, for example, children's spatial ability...
    e.g. Take, for example, the simple sentence: 'The man climbed up the hill'...
           以The man climbed up the hill这个简单句为例。

4. 榜样;模范
    If you refer to a person or their behaviour as an example to other people, you mean that he or she behaves in a good or correct way that other people should copy.

    e.g. He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads...
    e.g. Their example shows us what we are all capable of.

5. example

5. (词典中的)例证,例子
    In a dictionary entry, an example is a phrase or sentence which shows how a particular word is used.

    e.g. The examples are unique to this dictionary.

6. (尤指出于敬意而)学习…的榜样,以…为榜样
    If you follow someone's example, you behave in the same way as they did in the past, or in a similar way, especially because you admire them.

    e.g. Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty...
    e.g. She should remember that she is a mother and a public figure and that others may follow her example.

7. 惩罚…以警戒他人;杀一儆百
    To make an example of someone who has done something wrong means to punish them severely as a warning to other people not to do the same thing.

    e.g. Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.

8. 树立榜样;以身作则
    If you set an example, you encourage or inspire people by your behaviour to behave or act in a similar way.

    e.g. An officer's job was to set an example...
    e.g. He is setting an example which other aristocrats and leading Britons should follow.

example 单语例句

1. Take the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing as an example.

2. The study also factors in a survey among business leaders, assessing for example the government's efficiency or the flexibility of the labor market.

3. example的解释

3. The example often cited is China National Offshore Oil Corporation's thwarted attempt to buy Unocal in 2005.

4. example

4. The United States has not honored this commitment and has set a negative example by enforcing the " Buy American " clause.

5. For example, a new kind of elevator being developed by UTC fits the goal well.

6. More ambitious people combine meat and vegetables - for example, by filling zucchini halves with ground meat.

7. example什么意思

7. Professor Hawkes is a shining example of green living by eating with one's heart rather than the head.

8. Each Nushu character is followed by phonetic notation, notes and paraphrase and a corresponding Chinese character and example sentences.

9. By converting his home into an example of renewed and recycled energy and bringing people to it he discovered he could make a small difference.

10. example是什么意思

10. " Their action sets a good example that will inspire other people, " a doctor said.

example 英英释义


1. a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding

    e.g. you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook

    Synonym: exercise

2. an item of information that is typical of a class or group

    e.g. this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome
           there is an example on page 10

    Synonym: illustration instance representative

3. something to be imitated

    e.g. an exemplar of success
           a model of clarity
           he is the very model of a modern major general

    Synonym: exemplar model good example

4. a representative form or pattern

    e.g. I profited from his example

    Synonym: model

5. punishment intended as a warning to others

    e.g. they decided to make an example of him

    Synonym: deterrent example lesson object lesson

6. an occurrence of something

    e.g. it was a case of bad judgment
           another instance occurred yesterday
           but there is always the famous example of the Smiths

    Synonym: case instance