
excellence [ˈeksələns]  [ˈɛksələns] 


excellence 基本解释


名词优点; 优秀,卓越; 美德

excellence 相关例句


1. He has won a prize for excellence in furniture design.

excellence 网络解释

1. 追求卓越:E:追求卓越(Excellence) 我们努力提供卓越的客户服务. A:培养实践能力(Ability-driven) 我们的教育和培训宗旨是培养学生的实践能力. R:尽责尽业(Responsibility) 我们将尽一切责任,保证提供高素质的课程. N:培育栋梁(Nurture) 我们为新经济体培育人才.

2. 杰出:iage)五月二十二日 婆罗门菊(Goatsbeard) 英勇(Heroism)五月二十叁日 洋丁香(Common Lilac) 怀旧(Nostalgia)五月二十四日 东洋罂粟花(Oriental Poppy) 纤弱(Weak)五月二十五日 水杨梅(Common ) 杰出(Excellence)五月二十六日 黄杜

excellence 词典解释

1. 优秀;卓越;杰出
    If someone or something has the quality of excellence, they are extremely good in some way.

    e.g. ...the top US award for excellence in journalism and the arts.
    e.g. ...a school once noted for its academic excellence.

excellence 单语例句

1. The School has an international reputation for excellence and is consistently ranked among the top business schools in the world.

2. The level of current and planned investments, will make Rio a center of excellence across many sectors of Brazil's economy.

3. Agilent Life Science & Chemical Analysis Center of Excellence is the first for Agilent in the field in China.

4. This trend can be reversed, chiefly by creating conditions that make the pursuit of excellence possible.

5. Novak Djokovic paid the price for sustained excellence after retiring from the Cincinnati Masters final, but vowed to bounce back for the US Open.

6. This makes it a daunting task to pick 10 shining examples of cinematic excellence.

7. excellence在线翻译

7. Operational excellence is a factor for strategic success in highly competitive markets where there is little to differentiate the basic products.

8. He enrolled at North Dakota State University to study computer science and became a member of a fraternity for academic excellence.

9. excellence的意思

9. Lastly, may I congratulate you on your excellence in this difficult language.

10. excellence在线翻译

10. The contest improves the living environment of private properties and promotes excellence in the greening of public projects through outstanding landscape design and horticultural maintenance.

excellence 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. the quality of excelling
    possessing good qualities in high degree

2. danci.911cha.com

2. an outstanding feature
    something in which something or someone excels

    e.g. a center of manufacturing excellence
           the use of herbs is one of the excellencies of French cuisine

    Synonym: excellency