1. Several newspapers published excerpts from the book.
1. 摘录:任务进入错误状态并宣告失败.他通知Ant引擎此次失败通过抛出一个包含错误消息和一个位置(Location)对象(使用getLocation()方法来提取)的BuildException.实现:(从Cvs.java源码中摘录(excerpt)出来)消息在下面的五种级别上显示,
2. 摘要:dPress 默认的情况是把在撰写日志的时候添加摘要(excerpt)作为description而把添加的标签(tag)作为keywords,但是大部分的人通常只添加keywords而很少会在发表日志的时候添加摘要(excerpt)这样一来很多页面就不会有description,
3. 节录:详细记录屏幕显示来自记录表的一个记录的全部内容,检索词会图亮显示,用WorldCat数据库检索时,有的记录除显示详细记录外还可显示目次表(Table of Contents)节录(Excerpt)和其他信息(More Info.).
4. 摘录,选择:excavator 挖匙,剜器 | excerpt 摘录,选择 | exchange key 交换键
1. 摘录;节选;选段
An excerpt is a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piece.
e.g. ...an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker.
2. 摘录;节选
If a long piece of writing or music is excerpted, short pieces from it are printed or played on their own.
e.g. The readings you heard earlier were excerpted from a new oral history of Pearl Harbor.
1. danci.911cha.com
1. Artists from the Northern Kunqu Opera Theater performed an excerpt from the Peony Pavilion.
2. excerpt
2. The MBC excerpt also showed slain al Qaeda fighters and members of bin Laden's organization brandishing weapons.
3. The first Kunqu excerpt that Cai learned when he was a little boy is the very first scene of the Palace of Eternal Youth.
4. It asks the intended recipients'help " to bring the Shia into the battle, " according to an excerpt published in the Times.
5. This is evident in the foreign press coverage of China in 1981, some of which we excerpt today.
6. excerpt是什么意思
6. This is an excerpt of his speech at the recent Nishan Forum on World Civilization, held in Shandong province.
7. This is an excerpt from his article published on the latest issue of Qiushi magazine.
8. excerpt是什么意思
8. White House press secretary Dana Perino said it wasn't clear what McClellan meant in the excerpt.
9. This is a translated excerpt of an article published in Hong Kong Commercial Daily Friday.
10. The article is an excerpt of his speech at Harvard University on Nov 24.
1. a passage selected from a larger work
e.g. he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings
Synonym: excerption extract selection