excited state

excited state [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd steit]  [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd stet] 

excited state 基本解释


excited state 网络解释

excited state什么意思

1. 激发态:叶绿素溶液在透射光下呈绿色,而在反射光下呈红色,这种现象称为叶绿素荧光现象. 叶绿素为什么会发荧光呢?当叶绿素分子吸收光量子后,就由最稳定的、能量的最低状态-基态(GROUND STATE)上升到不稳定的高能状态-激发态(EXCITED STATE).

2. 激发状态:二价三价铁受到宇宙能量的波长影响,该铁原子的核旋转和电子旋转就发生变化,称为所谓激发状态(Excited state)而具有高阶能量. 从这种高阶能量的铁原子会放射出某种电磁波,即所谓气(Aura).

3. 激態:再用750,350cm~(-1)(或1110亦用)为分子在激态(excited state)时之振动数,而作一激态下之能力阶梯所得之能力图(energydiagram)可说明吸收光带之70%,发射光带之70%及弗光光带之一小部份,此能力图并不完全,故不能望其为最终者.

4. 受激态:excited energy level 受激能级 | excited state 受激态 | expansion 膨胀

excited state 单语例句

1. Outgoing state superintendent Patti Harrington said she will miss Huntsman but is excited for state education leaders to work with Herbert.

2. excited state

2. " I feel like my game's coming around and obviously I'm excited about that, " Crane told The Capital Times and Wisconsin State Journal on Wednesday.