
excuse [ɪkˈskju:s]  [ɪkˈskjuz] 








excuse 基本解释

及物动词原谅; 为…申辩; 免除,宽免; 给…免去

名词辩解; 借口,托辞; 道歉,歉意; 请假条

不及物动词作为借口; 请示宽恕; 表示宽恕

excuse 同义词

动词pardon absolve forgive

名词reason alibi

excuse 反义词


及物动词blame punish

excuse 相关例句


1. Can I be excused from football practice?

2. She excused her absence by saying that she was ill.

3. Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.


1. That's a good excuse.

2. There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs.

excuse 情景对话



A:Please excuse my careless words.

B:It doesn’t matter at all.


A:Excuse me, sir.

B:Yes, I’ll be with you in one (second/ moment/ minute).


A:Excuse me, which way is to the post office?

B:The post office? Sorry, I’m not sure.

A:Well, thanks anyway.

excuse 网络解释


1. 原谅:这样,即使错过(miss)了一次机会或者做错了,大家都不会介意(mind)并会原谅(excuse)他的,还会允许(allow,permit)他保持(keep)这种想象(imagine)力. 亲爱的编辑,我不知道我的孩子是否理解(understand)我的说法,

2. 借口:13 A 逻辑推理词义比较 当作者写完意大利面条的文章,就已经是半夜了,他不是没有方法(way),主意(idea)和借口(excuse),而是没有时间(time)写交给老师的作文了.

3. 藉口:台湾的救灾能力,受到不少国际媒体的质疑,总统马英九16日亲上火线,向国际媒体解释台湾救灾的努力. 而美国有线电视新闻网CNN,在报导这一则新闻时,主播一开场就单刀直入,直接问连线的记者,面对批评,马英九的藉口(excuse)是什麼?

4. 免:在以诉讼抗辩(defense)、正当化申辩(justification)以及豁免(excuse)等为由进行辩护时,被告人则需要承担举证负担. 在这些问题上,辩护方必须提出证据证明自己的辩护意见具有存在的可能性(a sense of reality),

excuse 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /ɪk'skjuːs/. The verb is pronounced /ɪk'skjuːz/. 名词读作 /ɪk'skjuːs/。动词读作 /ɪk'skjuːz/。

1. 借口;理由;辩解
    An excuse is a reason which you give in order to explain why something has been done or has not been done, or in order to avoid doing something.

    e.g. It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness...
    e.g. Once I had had a baby I had the perfect excuse to stay at home...

2. (尤指别人不赞同时)为…辩解,为…寻找理由
    To excuse someone or excuse their behaviour means to provide reasons for their actions, especially when other people disapprove of these actions.

    e.g. He excused himself by saying he was 'forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat'...
    e.g. That doesn't excuse my mother's behaviour.

3. 原谅;宽恕
    If you excuse someone for something wrong that they have done, you forgive them for it.

    e.g. Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.

4. 使免除(责任、义务等)
    If someone is excused from a duty or responsibility, they are told that they do not have to carry it out.

    e.g. She is usually excused from her duties during the school holidays...
    e.g. She was excused duties on Saturday.

5. excuse的解释

5. 准许…离开;让…离开
    If you excuse yourself, you use a phrase such as 'Excuse me' as a polite way of saying that you are about to leave.

    e.g. He excused himself and went up to his room.

6. 对不起,劳驾,打扰一下(用于礼貌地引起注意,尤其是要提问时)
    You say 'Excuse me' when you want to politely get someone's attention, especially when you are about to ask them a question.

    e.g. Excuse me, but are you Mr Honig?

7. 对不起,抱歉(用于因打扰或打断对方而道歉)
    You use excuse me to apologize to someone when you have disturbed or interrupted them.

    e.g. Excuse me interrupting, but there's a thing I feel I've got to say.

8. 对不起,抱歉(用于礼貌地表示要离开或者停止和对方交谈)
    You use excuse me or a phrase such as if you'll excuse me as a polite way of indicating that you are about to leave or that you are about to stop talking to someone.

    e.g. 'Excuse me,' she said to Jarvis, and left the room...
    e.g. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do.

9. 对不起,抱歉(用于表示反对)
    You use excuse me, but to indicate that you are about to disagree with someone.

    e.g. Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.

10. 对不起,抱歉,借过(用于因为撞到某人或者在人群中挤过时表示道歉)
      You say excuse me to apologize when you have bumped into someone, or when you need to move past someone in a crowd.

      e.g. Saying excuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.

11. 抱歉,对不起(用于为打嗝、打喷嚏等失礼行为道歉)
      You say excuse me to apologize when you have done something slightly embarrassing or impolite, such as burping, hiccupping, or sneezing.

12. excuse的近义词

12. 对不起,请再说一遍
      You say 'Excuse me?' to show that you want someone to repeat what they have just said.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 pardon, sorry
excuse 单语例句

1. It would be a crime to act against that adage, irrespective of any excuse.

2. He said it is merely a despicable act for the island to criticise the motherland in such a poor excuse.

3. excuse是什么意思

3. But by no means should it be an excuse to prevent or put off reforms crucial to the country's balanced and sustainable development.

4. " The fact this problem is complex can no longer be excuse " for delaying action, said Obama.

5. Air China discussed merger plans with China Southern Airlines in 2000, which was later denied by CAAC under the excuse of avoiding possible monopolies.

6. excuse的近义词

6. If the employer calls you at a bad time, excuse yourself and ask whether you can call back.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. We have no excuse to take a rest, or call it a day and let it wither.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. Every morning I have to push zigzag down the escalator and say dozens of " excuse me " to catch a train on time.

9. excuse的反义词

9. She said Abou was using the CCC as " an excuse ".

10. Twins with cerebral palsy can't be taken as an excuse for murder.

excuse 英英释义


1. a poor example

    e.g. it was an apology for a meal
           a poor excuse for an automobile

    Synonym: apology

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. a note explaining an absence

    e.g. he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him

3. a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.

    e.g. he kept finding excuses to stay
           every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job
           his transparent self-justification was unacceptable

    Synonym: alibi exculpation self-justification


1. excuse的反义词

1. excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
    be lenient with

    e.g. excuse someone's behavior
           She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities

    Synonym: condone

2. serve as a reason or cause or justification of

    e.g. Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work
           Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again

    Synonym: explain

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. grant exemption or release to

    e.g. Please excuse me from this class

    Synonym: relieve let off exempt

4. ask for permission to be released from an engagement

    Synonym: beg off

5. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning

    e.g. rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
           he rationalized his lack of success

    Synonym: apologize apologise justify rationalize rationalise

6. accept an excuse for

    e.g. Please excuse my dirty hands

    Synonym: pardon