1. 经理人:在德鲁克看来,有效的经理人(executives)不需要做太多的决策. 他特别举了曾在二十世纪初期担任美国AT&T公司总裁的西奥多.维尔(TheodoreVail)的例子,他认为AT&T公司之所以有今天的成就(二十世纪六、七十年代正是AT&T的顶峰时期),
2. 执行官:美国电影艺术与科学学院的主管委员会(The Board of Governors)被分为十五个行会(Craft Branches),分别是: 演员,艺术总监,摄像,导演,化妆,纪录片,执行官(Executives),电影剪辑,音乐,制片,公共关系,短片与专题动画,音效,视觉效果,
3. 执行:Directors' fees: 董事袍金: | Executives 执行 - - | Independent non-executives 独立非执行
1. US female business English tutor, experienced at teaching senior business executives.
2. China COSCO's executives remain sanguine about business prospects for this year, although analysts said sinking freight rates and higher costs would squeeze the firm.
3. Form the perspective of governmental policy environment, 66 percent of business executives regard China's innovation environment as strongly conducive.
4. executives
4. While it breaks the orderliness in the original business operation, it's a way of making executives familiar with Alibaba's numerous interests.
5. Make certain that executives understand the business opportunity as thoroughly as they understand the solution, and have the courage to pursue the opportunity when appropriate.
6. executives
6. Ernst & Young undertook surveys with two distinct segments of business leaders, executives in large multinational companies and the world's foremost entrepreneurs.
7. This year, industry executives are taking note of how the economy is shaping buying habits.
8. executives
8. By comparison, only 29 percent of foreign executives are enthusiastic about mergers and acquisitions in that period.
9. These are findings of a survey of business executives conducted by the 1111 Job Bank.
10. Buffett said the current financial crisis is a byproduct of a system that encouraged executives to " paint pretty pictures ".