
exemplar [ɪgˈzemplɑ:(r)]  [ɪɡˈzɛmˌplɑr, -plɚ] 


exemplar 基本解释


名词 模范; 典型; 模型; 原型

exemplar 网络解释

1. 标本:excretion 分泌 | exemplar 标本 | exfoliation 鳞剥

2. 模范:exegetics 解经学 | exemplar 模范 | exemplarily 作为模范地

3. 样本例子:exemplar 样本例子 | exempli gratia 例如 | exempli gratia 例如例如

exemplar 词典解释

1. 典范;榜样
    An exemplar is someone or something that is considered to be so good that they should be copied or imitated.

    e.g. They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste.

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2. 范例;样品
    An exemplar is a typical example of a group or class of things.

    e.g. One of the wittiest exemplars of the technique was M. C. Escher.

exemplar 单语例句

1. Russian media said that China and Russia have set up an exemplar of international ties after 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

exemplar 英英释义


1. something to be imitated

    e.g. an exemplar of success
           a model of clarity
           he is the very model of a modern major general

    Synonym: example model good example