
exhaustion [ɪgˈzɔ:stʃən]  [ɪɡˈzɔstʃən] 

exhaustion 基本解释

名词疲惫,衰竭; 枯竭,用尽; 排空; 彻底的研究

exhaustion 相关例句


1. I was in a state of exhaustion after the long journey.

exhaustion 网络解释


1. 衰竭:他将GAS分为警戒(alarm)、阻抗(resistance)和衰竭(exhaustion)三个阶段. ① 警戒期:是机体为了应对有害环境刺激而唤起体内的整体防御能力,故也称动员阶段. ② 阻抗期:如果有害刺激持续存在,机体通过提高体内的结构和机能水平以增强对应激源的抵抗程度.

2. 耗竭:OLBI包括了两个维度:耗竭(exhaustion)和工作疏离(disengagement from work)[10]. 工作倦怠的研究迄今为止取得了很多进展和收获,但是仍有尚未解决的问题. 工作倦怠的产生机制和过程仍然不甚明了,

3. 耗尽:纵观巴斯的整个创作过程,我们大体上可以看出作品发展的轮廓呈现出再生(exuberance)和耗尽(exhaustion)两极化倾向:一方面,读者看到的是才思横溢、妙趣横生、智慧过人、精力充沛的巴斯,他的作品用查尔斯.哈里斯的书名来形容,

4. 枯竭:施法时间变为3倍重创(Deep Wound) 生命最大直与治疗减少20%衰弱(Weakness) 大幅减低攻击伤害士气(Morale Boost) 生命及魔力最大值增加一百分比, 通常是杀死小王所得到死亡处罚(Death Penalty) 生命及魔力最大值减少一百分比枯竭(Exhaustion) 魔力最大值减少10,

exhaustion 词典解释

1. 精疲力竭;疲惫不堪
    Exhaustion is the state of being so tired that you have no energy left.

    e.g. Staff say he is suffering from exhaustion.
    e.g. ...nervous exhaustion.

exhaustion 单语例句

1. exhaustion什么意思

1. By the time the thieves were caught they were about to collapse from exhaustion.

2. exhaustion的意思

2. An alleged robber was caught after a 500 m chase when he threw up from exhaustion.

3. exhaustion的解释

3. Survivors told coastguard officials the bodies of three babies who had died of hunger and exhaustion during the voyage were flung overboard.

4. They were also more likely to complain of exhaustion and an inability to relax once they got home in the evening.

5. It is also believed to be helpful in treating coronary heart disease, nervous exhaustion and menopausal problems.

6. Other times, he crooked his elbow over his face as if in exhaustion.

7. Yaya gave birth to the cub two days ago, and had been caring for it without sleep until exhaustion overtook her.

8. exhaustion

8. Developed countries strongly advocate the doctrine of national exhaustion of trademark rights based on their competitive positions in international trade and intellectual property rights protection.

9. Rihanna was rushed to hospital suffering with " exhaustion and dehydration " recently.

10. She eventually died of exhaustion and severe dehydration on March 1 despite the dedicated rescue efforts of the Shanghai Fisheries Superintendence Administration and related departments.

exhaustion 英英释义



1. the act of exhausting something entirely

2. serious weakening and loss of energy

    Synonym: debilitation enervation enfeeblement

3. extreme fatigue