
expand [ɪkˈspænd]  [ɪkˈspænd] 






expand 基本解释


及物动词扩张; 使…变大; 详述

不及物动词扩展; 展开; 发展; 张开

expand 同义词


动词grow swell enlarge unfold extend magnify broaden increase spread

expand 反义词

及物动词shrink contract abridge

expand 相关例句



1. They have expanded my view on the question.

2. The eagle expanded its wings.


1. Water expands when it freezes.

2. She expands only when being praised and flattered.

3. The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.

expand 网络解释

1. 扩充:)5 扩充 (Expand) 信息技术的使用被延伸到教室以外. 课堂中的教师积极主动参与信息技术的应用,并且和企业、政府机构、研究机构、大学合作,通过发现问题、解决问题,拓展学生的学习经验,培养学生自主学习的方法.

2. expand:expn; 扩展

expand 词典解释

1. 扩充;扩大;增加
    If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger.

    e.g. Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected...
    e.g. The money supply expanded by 14.6 per cent in the year to September...

2. 扩大;发展;扩展
    If something such as a business, organization, or service expands, or if you expand it, it becomes bigger and includes more people, goods, or activities.

    e.g. The popular ceramics industry expanded towards the middle of the 19th century...
    e.g. The interest rate's coming down. I'll be able to expand or stay in business...

相关词组:expand on

expand 单语例句

1. " WuXi will continue to grow and expand its business as a standalone research firm, " said WuXi spokesperson Liu Jing.

2. The company has been striving in the recent years to expand its business outside the online game market.

3. " Acquiring ACS helps us expand our business and benefit from stronger revenue and earnings growth, " Xerox CEO Ursula Burns said in a statement.

4. expand在线翻译

4. This development has helped the domestic banks to expand their loan portfolios to multinationals and provided a business boost for foreign banks operating in China.

5. The fund manager also has ambitions to expand his business to the Wall Street.

6. expand的意思

6. The general manager said the company planned to use Shenzhen as its headquarters and expand its business to other cities and regions in China.

7. Authorities hoped the new taxation policy in line with international practice could help to expand the market and fuel the business.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Analysts said Agilent has long wanted to expand its bioanalytical measurement business, which accounted for about 46 percent of revenue in the second quarter.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. It enables the banks to expand their business sphere and improvise a profit model, meanwhile offering the savings fund wider investment channels.

10. The CSRC will gradually expand the business scope of these firms, but Tu did not offer a timetable.

expand 英英释义



1. become larger in size or volume or quantity

    e.g. his business expanded rapidly

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. exaggerate or make bigger

    e.g. The charges were inflated

    Synonym: inflate blow up amplify

3. grow vigorously

    e.g. The deer population in this town is thriving
           business is booming

    Synonym: boom thrive flourish

4. expand the influence of

    e.g. The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent

    Synonym: extend

5. make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity

    e.g. expand the house by adding another wing

6. add details, as to an account or idea
    clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing

    e.g. She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation

    Synonym: elaborate lucubrate expatiate exposit enlarge flesh out expound dilate

7. extend in one or more directions

    e.g. The dough expands

    Synonym: spread out