
expansion [ɪkˈspænʃn]  [ɪkˈspænʃən] 


expansion 基本解释

名词扩张; 扩大; 扩张物; 膨胀物

expansion 同义词



expansion 反义词



expansion 相关例句


1. There are plans for the expansion of our school building.

2. The suburbs are an expansion of cities.

3. The new factory is large, to allow room for expansion.

4. Heat causes the expansion of gases.

expansion 网络解释


1. 扩充:20世纪60年代以来,发展中国家高等教育面临着扩充(expansion)、多样化(differentiation)和知识革命(knowledge revolution)这三大挑战. 这些挑战改变了高等教育及其存在的环境,对发展中国家产生了强有力的影响,

2. expansion:exp; 膨胀

3. expansion:expan; 合拢

expansion 词典解释

1. 扩张;扩充;扩大;发展
    Expansion is the process of becoming greater in size, number, or amount.

    e.g. ...the rapid expansion of private health insurance.
    e.g. ...a new period of economic expansion...

expansion 单语例句

1. The decrease in the loan business would reduce the future expansion capacity of the banks, Zhu says.

2. This business expansion is backed by the outstanding reputation Lufthansa has enjoyed over its more than 80 years of development in China.

3. China's top business school is ready to accelerate its global development in the next decade, in a bid to help promote the expansion strategy of Chinese companies.

4. The retail expansion is part of Microsoft's strategy to move its business beyond software into hardware and other areas.

5. Such statistics can show a rebounding trend in business expansion, said Liu.

6. Bosideng's story highlights the expansion of private companies in China, a trend that is forcing global investment banks to adapt their business models.

7. But he didn't elaborate on the company's business expansion plans.

8. Yahoo sports dubbed Zhang as China's Yao Ming in combat sports who may create a buzz in the most populated country fuelling the sport's expansion.

9. Some issues raised by MF Global and sovereign debt defaults are already hinting at an expansion of systemic risk.

10. Companies in fast expansion period are favored by over half of the investment, but those in the initial stages received less investment capital.

expansion 英英释义



1. expansion的意思

1. the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope

    Synonym: enlargement

2. adding information or detail

    Synonym: expanding upon

3. expansion的反义词

3. a discussion that provides additional information

    Synonym: enlargement elaboration

4. expansion在线翻译

4. a function expressed as a sum or product of terms

    e.g. the expansion of (a+b)^2 is a^2 + 2ab + b^2