expected value

expected value [ɪkˈspektɪd]  [ɪkˈspɛktɪd] 

expected value 基本解释


expected value 网络解释

1. 预期值:故与上述6.858的十二个月澳元/港元期货合约兑换价比较,以预期值(Expected Value)计则至少有0.24的利润. 但毕竟预期值仅是估计而已,如此定价并未能完全对冲风险的.

2. 均值:[摘要]运用均值(expected value)一方差模型(variance)(亦简称E-V模型),提出了对企业技术创新能力进行评价的方法,应用拉格朗日(Lagrange)乘数法求解各指标的权重系数,为科学评价、及时调整企业技术创新策略提供了依据.

3. 预期价值:这两道题目说明了机率理论(Probability)里最基本的观念,那就是一个选择的预期价值(expected value). 一个选择的预期价值,等于这个选择成功的机率,乘上这个选择成功的回报. 换句话说,预期价值比较高,平均回报就会比较好. 因为,

expected value 单语例句

1. Upon completion, the output value of the center is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan.

2. expected value的意思

2. Han expected the industrial added value of the whole year will grow by 18 percent, and the total commodity retail sales will mount up by 16 percent.

3. Discharge of major pollutants and water use measured by industrial value are expected to be cut by 10 percent and 30 percent respectively.

4. It is expected to further drive down the value of the dollar.

5. It means the expected appreciation of the entire economic entity's value will increase, and the value of the stock market will rise as well.

6. Even if a university president's graduation speech is full of cyber words, it is not expected to have an everlasting inspiring effect and educational value for long.

7. Its real estate sector is expected to see more rapid development and higher value, the mayor pointed out.

8. expected value的翻译

8. This year's growth rate for Value Partners China is estimated to be 50 percent, and the trend is expected to continue for several years.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. The third sector is the integration of logistics resources with an expected output value of at least 500 million yuan.

10. Han also said he expected the city's value of trade this year to surpass US $ 500 billion for the first time.

expected value 英英释义

expected value是什么意思


1. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values

    Synonym: arithmetic mean first moment expectation