
expel [ɪkˈspel]  [ɪkˈspɛl] 







expel 基本解释

及物动词驱逐; 赶走; 把…除名; 排出(气体等)

expel 网络解释


1. 驱逐:*[[10月25日]]--[[联合国大会2758号决议]]通过,承认[[中华人民共和国]]为[[中国]]代表,會員名稱仍為[[中华民国]],並將蔣介石代表驅逐(expel)出聯合國.

2. 排除;开除:exert 施加(压力) | expel 排除;开除 | explore 探究

3. 驱逐,逐出:expeditious 敏捷,迅速的 | expel 驱逐,逐出 | expend 花费,消耗

4. 开除,驱除:41 house V. 为--提供住房 | 42 expel 开除,驱除 | 43 reimburse 报销,伏款 = refund

expel 词典解释

1. 开除;将…除名
    If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly.

    e.g. More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.
    e.g. ...a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher.

2. 逐出;驱逐
    If people are expelled from a place, they are made to leave it, often by force.

    e.g. An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday...
    e.g. They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.

3. 排出;喷出
    To expel something means to force it out from a container or from your body.

    e.g. Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins...
    e.g. As the lungs exhale this waste, gas is expelled into the atmosphere.

expel 单语例句

1. expel的意思

1. A number of worshipers also gathered in Tripoli after Friday prayers, waving black flags and calling to expel the US ambassador to Lebanon.

2. SANTIAGO - The Chilean government announced Sunday it will expel 14 armed Bolivian military officials detained Friday for illegally entering Chilean territory.

3. Arafat told thousands of Palestinians rallying to his side that he would stay in his headquarters come what may after Israel threatened to expel him.

4. The crisis following that confrontation led Pyongyang to expel UN nuclear inspectors and culminated in the communist state's first nuclear test last October.

5. The mifepristone destabilize the connecting tissue between an embryo and the uterus, and the misoprostol causes the uterus to expel the embryo.

6. expel

6. He also decided to expel the other three defendants who exist outside the courtroom as they caused chaos and continue the trial.

7. He said churches can expel former Christians who have become key cult members, and call the police if necessary.

8. One of them was deported and the other was released Monday after an immigration board rejected PET's efforts to expel him from Denmark.

9. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, confirmed Tuesday that the department had told Starwood to expel the Cuban delegation.

10. Chavez says he could expel banks and other businesses from European countries that apply controversial rules to deport illegal immigrants.

expel 英英释义



1. expel的反义词

1. eliminate (a substance)

    e.g. combustion products are exhausted in the engine
           the plant releases a gas

    Synonym: exhaust discharge eject release

2. cause to flee

    e.g. rout out the fighters from their caves

    Synonym: rout rout out

3. expel的反义词

3. remove from a position or office

    e.g. The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds

    Synonym: oust throw out drum out boot out kick out

4. force to leave or move out

    e.g. He was expelled from his native country

    Synonym: throw out kick out