
expenditures [ɪks'pendɪtʃəz]  [ɪks'pendɪtʃəz] 


expenditures 基本解释
花费( expenditure的名词复数 );使用;支出额;耗费;
expenditures 网络解释


1. 支出:你能应付吗这里分两个版:支出(Expenditures)和收渗透(Income). 其中,法令(Ordinances):可指定各项法令,使城市安定繁荣,但可能会增加支出. 邻国交易(Neighbor Deals):你可跟邻国入行能源、水源和垃圾处理等交易,

2. 经费,费用,支出额;花费,支出,消耗:cut back:削减,缩减 | expenditures:经费,费用,支出额;花费,支出,消耗 | adamantium:在漫画或电子游戏中出现的虚构金属,非常坚硬和昂贵

3. 支出;开支:environment,环境,, | expenditures,支出;开支,, | feasibility,可行性,,

expenditures 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Ad expenditures will drop from their 2008 peak after economies contracted around the world, forcing Zenith to cut its estimates for the third time in about six months.

2. We will work out a scientific system for classifying government revenue and expenditures as soon as possible and continue standardizing administrative charges.

3. expenditures的意思

3. The administrative expenditures have accounted for the majority of the collected congestion fees, resulting in less expenditures on addressing the public transportation system.

4. After the session closed, the bureau's spokesman Meng Jingwei made some explanations about the expenditures to reporters.

5. Several measures have been enacted to combat indiscriminate government spending in recent years, including one passed last year requiring ministries disclose their expenditures on sangong expenses.

6. The highways create convenient commodity and information channels between the cities and the countryside, stimulating economic development and consumers'expenditures in rural areas.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. By comparing the expenditures of one year with those of another, people will get to know whether the government has cut such expenditures.

8. expenditures的意思

8. Meanwhile, grain and oil expenditures decreased while consumption of health foods such as dairy products increased.

9. Repeated reports of expenditures on luxury buildings at some universities and corruption cases involving the presidents of Nankai and Tianjin universities are eroding universities'credibility.

10. Controlling the growth rate of capital expenditures could help stabilize inflation expectations and improve the creditability of monetary policies.