
explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt]  [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] 

explicit 基本解释


形容词明确的,清楚的; 直言的; 详述的; 不隐瞒的

explicit 同义词


形容词direct candid clear express unmistakable distinct positive definite

explicit 反义词

形容词implicit vague ambiguous

explicit 相关例句


1. The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine.

explicit 网络解释

1. 显式:堆(heap)中被分配的内存一般用于存放在使用new的构造过程中和显 式(explicit)的析构过程中涉及到的类对象. 堆中对象的生存周期与自由存储区(free store)中的类似. 全局的或静态的变量和对象所占用的内存区域在程序启动(startup)的时候才被分配,

2. 明显的:相对的,二次规则乃是赋予公权力机关或私人特定权能(power)的规则,其主要目的在规范谁有权力以及如何制定、确认、修Inc.[5]这两个判决为例,佐证法体系里不单单只有明显的(explicit)法律规则,实际上还包括许多隐含的(implicit)法律原则.

explicit 词典解释

1. 明确的;清晰的;毫不隐讳的
    Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything.

    e.g. ...sexually explicit scenes in films and books.
    e.g. ...explicit references to age in recruitment advertising.

The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality...
Their intention is not to become involved in explicitly political activities.
When the book was published, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.

2. explicit的反义词

2. 直言的;坦率的;坦诚的
    If you are explicit about something, you speak about it very openly and clearly.

    e.g. He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.

She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.
explicit 单语例句

1. explicit什么意思

1. It is likely to argue that no explicit order was ever issued, with Massa merely being told that Alonso was quicker and then acting on that information.

2. Another of the new products is called " Matters of Size, " an explicit DVD exercise program designed to add inches to a penis.

3. explicit的近义词

3. " Make an explicit resolution creating specific negotiations mandated for a specially constructed diplomatic conference, " Evans advised the CD.

4. He said that they support a referendum only because they want an explicit, feasible and effective channel through which they could express their views over constitutional development.

5. But there is presently no explicit definition of the term in Chinese law.

6. explicit什么意思

6. A proposal to ban children from watching violent, sexually explicit or other unsuitable movies at the cinema has provoked hot debate in China.

7. explicit在线翻译

7. Unwritten or tacit rules are everywhere, and are observed to circumvent explicit rules for personal gains in officialdom.

8. This is the first time that a Chinese law will make such an explicit stipulation, said Renmin University of China civil procedure law professor Tang Weijian.

9. Western countries have a classification system that allows adults to watch movies with sexually explicit scenes and denies admission to minors.

10. explicit的近义词

10. Another was a man whose cellphone was taken by a policeman and found to contain an explicit video clip.

explicit 英英释义



1. explicit的反义词

1. precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable
    leaving nothing to implication

    e.g. explicit instructions
           she made her wishes explicit
           explicit sexual scenes

    Synonym: expressed

2. in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term

    Synonym: denotative