







exploding 基本解释
爆炸( explode的现在分词 );突然;推翻;驳倒;
exploding 网络解释


1. 爆炸:因为109就有很多Ama加dex加的一时兴起忘了自己箱子里的暴风盾~~ 四、技能简介: 1、弓系: 元素相关:包括冰(Ice)箭、冷(cold)箭、冻(Freezing)箭、火(Fire)箭、爆炸(Exploding)箭、牺牲(Immolationg)箭~~总的来说,

2. 爆发:releasing 释放 | exploding 爆发 | having an emotional outburst 情感上的爆发

exploding 单语例句

1. exploding

1. A chemistry student has been found dead in northern Ukraine after an incident involving exploding chewing gum.

2. A federal deficit that is exploding as the nation throws money at its economic problems, sure to crimp Obama's ability to spend his way to solutions.

3. Investigators say the hole may have been caused by an exploding oxygen cylinder.

4. He caught the plane as it shot into the south tower, exploding into an orange fireball and sending papers flying in every direction.

5. The carefully orchestrated crash gave off energy equivalent to exploding nearly 5 tons of dynamite.

6. The air quality in the region is suffering serious damage because of growing energy needs and the " exploding " growth in the number of vehicles.

7. exploding的意思

7. The fire started on the roof of the tower after exploding fireworks landed on it.

8. No longer forced to fit into a regimented Maoist monoculture, their range of possibilities has diversified along with the country's exploding economy.

9. Emergency services faced the hazard of three gas bottles still exploding in the house when they arrived.

10. Exploding engines and terrorist threats have got nothing on the latest threat facing American air travelers.