
exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃl]  [ˌɛkspəˈnɛnʃəl] 

exponential 基本解释

名词指数; 倡导者; 演奏者; 例子

形容词指数的,幂数的; 越来越快的

exponential 网络解释


1. 指数函数:而没有像其他研究中那样分别假设Y和X是一元线性回归(linear)、二次函数(Quadratic)、复合函数(Compound)、对数函数(Logarithmic)、三次函数(Cubic)、指数函数(Exponential)、幂函数(Powe

2. 指數分布:这些作为零假设的理论分布在SPSS的选项中有正态分布(Normal),泊松分布(Poisson) ,均匀分布(Uniform)和指数分布(Exponential). 在SPSS软件中对于是否是正态分布或均匀分布的检验统计量为由于sig=.074>.05,不能拒绝正态分布(Normal)零假设.

3. 指数的:expected value 期望值 | exponential 指数的 | exponential distributon 指数分布

4. exponential:e; 指数

exponential 词典解释

1. 迅速增长的;成指数倍增的
    Exponential means growing or increasing very rapidly.

    e.g. The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.

The quantity of chemical pollutants has increased exponentially.
exponential 单语例句

1. The exponential rate of technological change is transforming media and communication structures in a fundamental way.

2. The first disruptive force is the ongoing march of technology, which continues to advance at an exponential rate.

3. exponential的近义词

3. There is only one thing more frightening than China's exponential growth.

4. This is being seen as evidence that potential exponential growth can be realized in a shorter time if relations between the two are deepened.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The resulting exponential growth of participating policies has eclipsed the increase in insurance premiums written in the past couple of years.

6. The most reasonable explanation for the intensity of this debate is the exponential increase in the number of Chinese families owning dogs as pets.

7. exponential什么意思

7. It is his star power in the game that has caused exponential growth in prize money over the last three years.

8. exponential是什么意思

8. The mainland's booming economy has fueled exponential growth in demand for nickel, a fundamental metal used to produce stainless steel.

9. exponential的翻译

9. Sustained robust growth has put more money in people's pockets, spurring air travel and an exponential growth in low cost airlines.

10. exponential

10. But when celebrities started supporting her there was an exponential increase in her number of followers.

exponential 英英释义


1. a function in which an independent variable appears as an exponent

    Synonym: exponential function


1. of or involving exponents

    e.g. exponential growth