
extroverted [ˈekstrəvə:tid]  [ˈɛkstrəˌvɚtɪd] 

extroverted 基本解释
extroverted 网络解释

1. 外向的,喜社交的,性格外向者:Introverted: 内向的,含蓄的,闭关自守的,性格内向的人 | Extroverted: 外向的,喜社交的,性格外向者 | Ambivert:中向性格者, 具有中向性格的

2. 外向的,喜社交的:Introverted: 内向的,含蓄的,闭关自守的 | Extroverted: 外向的,喜社交的 | Characteristic: 独特的,特有的,表示特性的

3. 外向性的:extroversion 外翻 | extroverted 外向性的 | extrovertish 外向者的

4. 外向的:talkative健谈的 | extroverted外向的 | flexible灵活的

extroverted 单语例句

1. extroverted

1. The eggplant mousseline and ratatouille jus emulsion were more than an ample sparring partner for the citrus and light apple of the otherwise extroverted wine.

2. The extroverted celebrity is expected to liven up the first lady's role.

3. Teachers at the school said that some of the antisocial children had become extroverted and happy after the consultation.

4. The jealous Tan felt his extroverted wife Li Guihua was unfaithful to him.

5. extroverted

5. Tom Parker Bowles shares his mother's extroverted charms, and reportedly grew close to the princes after Diana's death.

6. She explained most students from rich families are extroverted, and active in making friends and taking part in activities.

7. But with no knowledge of Mandarin, being extroverted proved to be a difficult task for me in Beijing.

extroverted 英英释义



1. not introspective
    examining what is outside yourself

    Synonym: extrospective

2. being concerned with the social and physical environment

    Synonym: extrovert extravert extraverted extrovertive extravertive

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3. at ease in talking to others

    Synonym: forthcoming outgoing