
exude [ɪgˈzju:d]  [ɪgˈzu:d] 






exude 基本解释


及物动词使渗出; 使流出; 充分显示,显露; 发出,散发

不及物动词渗出; 缓慢流出; 发出,发散

exude 网络解释


1. 渗出,流出,流露:exuberant 丰富,充溢的 | exude 渗出,流出,流露 | exult 大喜,耀武扬威

2. 流出:exudation 渗出 | exude 流出 | exult in 狂喜

3. 渗出:exudation 渗出液;胀箱;跑火;珠汗 | exude 渗出 | eye assay 用眼评定

4. 渗出;流出:extrude#挤出;逐出 | exude#渗出;流出 | fabricate#制造;装配

exude 词典解释

1. 充分显露
    If someone exudes a quality or feeling, or if it exudes, they show that they have it to a great extent.

    e.g. The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say, is under their control...
    e.g. She exudes an air of relaxed calm...

2. (使)渗出;(使)逸出
    If something exudes a liquid or smell or if a liquid or smell exudes from it, the liquid or smell comes out of it slowly and steadily.

    e.g. Nearby was a factory which exuded a pungent smell.
    e.g. ...the fluid that exudes from the cane toad's back.

exude 单语例句

1. The raw energy they exude is so infectious you cannot but become part of them.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. One explanation for women dressing like men is that women had to look masculine in public to exude an air of authority.

3. Private rooms with soft cushioned seats are designed to exude a feel of leisure.

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4. They may not realize that salacity can exude from more than the private parts of the body.

5. At Art Lab, both food and venue exude an intriguing alternative to regular fine dining.

6. exude的解释

6. They are more diversified and use advanced techniques that exude intelligence and leapfrog nature.

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7. Credit cards need to exude the right social imagery for the right segment of customers.

8. Imposing in physique and rough and tough in character, men of Harbin exude sexiness coupled with a tinge of cold arrogance and hot abandon.

9. Guestrooms furnished in tones of beige, cream and grey exude stylish comfort.

10. exude

10. Bi welcomes them to his show, as he believes they exude exotic appeal that keeps his audiences interested.

exude 英英释义


1. release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities

    e.g. exude sweat through the pores

    Synonym: exudate transude ooze out ooze

2. exude

2. make apparent by one's mood or behavior

    e.g. She exudes great confidence