eye up

eye up

eye up 单语例句

1. eye up的反义词

1. I like to be able to stand up and look a man in the eye when I'm talking business.

2. The eye bank has got only a handful of cornea donors since it was set up in 1999.

3. Beijing - The name Sherlock Holmes conjures up images of a sharply dressed and witty Englishman with a wry smile and a keen eye.

4. eye up的翻译

4. The eye of the powerful typhoon landed at Donghan Town of Fuqing City at 10 pm with winds of up to 119 kilometers per hour.

5. Wind near the typhoon eye was up to a hurricane at the strongest, at a speed of 40 meters per second.

6. Winds near the typhoon eye were up to 180 kilometres per hour yesterday afternoon, as it moved westward to the eastern shore of Hainan.

7. The spud wound up in the kitchen of someone with a receptive eye.

8. They always wear red, pin up their hair in topknots and a " third eye " is painted on their forehead.

9. China's largest banks may be stepping up the pace at which they give out credit, but they are still keeping a careful eye on risks.

10. An outing during the eye's calm revealed a downtown Cancun littered with glass, tree trunks and cars up to their roofs in water.