
facile [ˈfæsaɪl]  [ˈfæsl] 

facile 基本解释


形容词轻率作出的; 不动脑筋的; 轻易可得的

facile 相关例句



1. She has a facile tongue.

2. That is only a facile answer.

facile 网络解释


1. 容易的,流畅的:25 remiss 疏忽的 | 26 facile 容易的,流畅的 | 27 intangible 无形的

2. 青而易举的,随和的:efficient 有能力,有效的 | facile 青而易举的,随和的 | facilitate 使容易

3. 容易的:retaliation 报复 | facile 容易的 | tactile触觉的

4. 温和的:facies 面容 | facile 温和的 | facilely 轻易地

facile 词典解释

1. facile什么意思

1. (主张、建议)肤浅的,粗浅的,轻率的
    If you describe someone's arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking.

    e.g. The subject of racism is admittedly too complex for facile summarization.

facile 单语例句

1. facile是什么意思

1. Comparisons to " The Lion King " are inevitable but also facile.

2. The argument against vaccination is that once vaccinated, they can't tell if they have the disease or not a facile argument.

facile 英英释义


1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

    e.g. able to dazzle with his facile tongue
           silver speech

    Synonym: eloquent fluent silver silver-tongued smooth-spoken

2. facile

2. performing adroitly and without effort

    e.g. a facile hand

3. arrived at without due care or effort
    lacking depth

    e.g. too facile a solution for so complex a problem