
factual [ˈfæktʃuəl]  [ˈfæktʃuəl] 

factual 基本解释

形容词事实的,真实的; 根据事实的; 确凿的

factual 同义词


factual 反义词



factual 网络解释

1. 事实的:曾经有过许多别的建议--写实的(realistic)、事实的(factual)、史实的(historical)--但是无一能传达纪实传统那种对真相的深刻尊敬,纪实摄影通过照片独立地承载着信息,它应该传达某种诉求,才能和风景、人像或街景照片有所分别,

2. 事實性:诊断轻微HE的前提是除外症状性HE,它可分为语义性(semantic)和事实性(factual)两类. 语义性测试表现为精神测量试验异常而临床神经精神学检查正常这提示前一方法更加敏感. 然而随着神经影像学方法及脑神经电活动分析方法的发展,

3. (实际的):流行的看法是,一个命题的内涵是取决于其可证性--如果没有任何办法可以证实所陈述的东西,那么它就不是一个有可能对或也可能错的陈述,就不是实际的(factual),因而要么是无意义的,要么是以其它方式使用语言,可以被看成是欲望的命令或表达,

4. 事实的, 实际的:Factual 事实的, 实际的 | Humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的 | Inventive 善于创造的, 发明的

factual 词典解释

1. 与事实有关的;真实的
    Something that is factual is concerned with facts or contains facts, rather than giving theories or personal interpretations.

    e.g. The editorial contained several factual errors...
    e.g. Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.

I learned that a number of statements in my talk were factually wrong.
...telling me coolly and factually the story of her life in prison.
factual 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Government officials cling to their statistical methods, claiming them to be scientific and factual.

2. This conceit by some people rings hollow, especially under honest and factual scrutiny.

3. Even those disclosing factual details of a case before the trial is over will face charges of contempt of court.

4. This so called factual entertainment television has been a significant part of the UK's TV export drive.

5. Factual concepts, which are concepts used to express events and behaviors.

6. The system will provide a factual basis for regulators to make policies and help enterprises fully understand where they stand in terms of global competitiveness.

7. Swimming's world governing body FINA said there was " no factual basis " for speculation that Ye's Olympic medley double had been fuelled by banned drugs.

8. The recurrence of similar public events has forced us to consider how to make a rational judgment based on little factual evidence.

9. He urged officials attending the conference to announce the factual details of the incident as investigation went on in a timely manner.

10. factual在线翻译

10. He added that requiring all programs dealing with factual issues to preserve due impartiality was somewhat surprising.

factual 英英释义



1. existing in act or fact

    e.g. rocks and trees...the actual world
           actual heroism
           the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced

    Synonym: actual

2. danci.911cha.com

2. of or relating to or characterized by facts

    e.g. factual considerations