
fade [feɪd]  [fed] 








fade 基本解释

不及物动词褪去,失去光泽; 逐渐消逝; 凋谢,衰老



fade 同义词

动词decline sink pale dim bleach fail droop lose color weaken dull

fade 反义词



fade 相关词组


1. fade out : 淡出;

2. fade in : (使)淡入, (使)渐显;

3. fade away : 逐渐消失;

fade 相关例句


1. The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind.

2. Cut flowers soon fade.


1. All memory of the past has faded.

2. Daylight fades when the sun sets.

3. The color fades when exposed to light.

fade 网络解释

1. 消退:比较好的补充或强化技能有:飞龙在天(df)、影子大师(sm)、支配影子(sw)、苏醒之火(wof)等都可以视作最佳补充技能(既为补充那么1点就够技能如心灵爆震(mb)、雷光守卫(ls)、武器格挡(wb)、能量消退(fade)等都可视为最佳强化

2. 右曲球:(失误)右曲球(Fade)球稍稍向左,下降时轻微偏右. (并非失误,有实际需要)右飞球(Push)球直飞向右侧(失误)右旋球(Slice)球先飞向左方,然后右旋至右方(失误)切击(Chip)球以低弹道飞行短距离,然后球滚动三、四倍距离.

3. 淡入:TV One相信大部份的人都希望自己的视频产品能拥有不错的视频转换/切换功能,所以TV One针对C2-1000系列及C2-2000系列产品增加了许多令人惊叹的转换切换效果,除了现有的影像快切转换模式外, 还添加了许多不同的淡出/淡入(fade)模式及影像画面转换

4. 褪色:对于褪色(fade)函数来说,只用两行短短的代码即可实现一个节点的淡入和淡出. 正如下面代码片断所暗示的,Dojo的动画API一般都会返回一个对象,开发人员必须手工调用play()方法才能启动该动画. 这样一来,我们不仅可以更好地控制动画,

fade 词典解释

1. (使)褪色;(使)变暗淡
    When a coloured object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler.

    e.g. All colour fades — especially under the impact of direct sunlight...
    e.g. No matter how soft the light is, it still plays havoc, fading carpets and curtains in every room.

...a girl in a faded dress.
...faded painted signs on the sides of some of the buildings.

2. (光线)逐渐暗淡;(声音)逐渐减弱
    When light fades, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound fades, it slowly becomes less loud.

    e.g. Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded...
    e.g. The sound of the last bomber's engines faded into the distance.

3. (所注视之物)逐渐暗淡,逐渐模糊直至消失
    When something that you are looking at fades, it slowly becomes less bright or clear until it disappears.

    e.g. They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight...
           他们观察了这颗彗星 70 天,直至其慢慢从视线中消失。
    e.g. They watched the familiar mountains fade into the darkness.

4. 变得不为人注意;变得无关紧要
    If someone or something fades, for example, into the background, they become hardly noticeable or very unimportant.

    e.g. She had a way of fading into the background when things got rough...
    e.g. The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene.

5. fade

5. (记忆)逐渐模糊;(感情)逐渐变淡;(可能性)逐渐变小
    If memories, feelings, or possibilities fade, they slowly become less intense or less strong.

    e.g. Sympathy for the rebels, the government claims, is beginning to fade...
    e.g. Prospects for peace had already started to fade.

6. fade是什么意思

6. (笑容)慢慢收敛
    If someone's smile fades, they slowly stop smiling.

    e.g. Jay nodded, his smile fading.

7. fade的翻译

7. 淡出;变得不再引人注目(直至完全消失)
    When something fades out, it slowly becomes less noticeable or less important until it disappears completely.

    e.g. He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case.

8. (光线)逐渐暗淡;(画面)淡出; (声音)渐弱
    When light, an image, or a sound fades out, it disappears after gradually becoming weaker.

    e.g. You'll need to be able to project two images onto the screen as the new one fades in and the old image fades out.

相关词组:fade away fade out

fade 单语例句

1. They designed a computer that could recognize these signals and control a program to fade pictures in and out on a screen.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. We should allow some time for the computer suppliers to adjust and for the immediate public disappointment to fade.

3. Stories like that have reaffirmed our belief that journalism as a profession is not going to fade away with the demise of the print media.

4. She claims it is too easy for older actresses to fade into the background, and is determined to keep working for as long as possible.

5. Diplomatic experts said the furore was likely to fade after Saturday's match, no matter who won.

6. It's a race against time, because the beacons will start to fade 30 days after the May 31 crash.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. This year's took place less than a week after Election Day, giving less time than usual for raw campaign words to fade.

8. " There is a clear Clinton fade, " pollster John Zogby said.

9. He argued that the students'strong ability of independent thought developed at this prestigious school would fade quickly after four years in a Chinese university.

10. fade在线翻译

10. The government now promises to keep such schemes running to the end of next year, but their impact already seems to be starting to fade.

fade 英英释义


1. fade

1. gradually ceasing to be visible

    Synonym: disappearance

2. fade的翻译

2. a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer

    e.g. he took lessons to cure his slicing

    Synonym: slice slicing


1. become feeble

    e.g. The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon

    Synonym: languish

2. become less clearly visible or distinguishable
    disappear gradually or seemingly

    e.g. The scene begins to fade
           The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk

    Synonym: melt

3. disappear gradually

    e.g. The pain eventually passed off

    Synonym: evanesce blow over pass off fleet pass

4. lose freshness, vigor, or vitality

    e.g. Her bloom was fading

    Synonym: wither