

fagin 基本解释


fagin 网络解释

1. 费根:- 道奇是一只和其他几只狗一起被善良的穷人[[费根]](Fagin)收养的狗. 道奇机灵自信,每天穿梭于城市人群间,可以很轻易地找到足够填饱肚子的食物. 即使他欺骗[[奥 利 华]](Oliver)去抢热狗而把抢到的所有热狗都拿走,

2. 教唆犯:faggy 女性化的 | Fagin 教唆犯 | fagot 柴把

3. 胆碱:fading of affect 情感消退 | fagin 胆碱 | fagin 教唆犯

4. 老坏蛋:Fagales 山毛榉目 | Fagin 老坏蛋 | Fagopyrum 荞麦属

fagin 双语例句

1. Anyway, Fagin, I know your idea is for O liver to do the job.

2. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill.


3. And this job will make him feel like that, 'said Fagin eagerly.


4. Are They trying to murder you, Fagin?

5. But Dan Fagin says this might be the echo chamber.
    但 Dan Fagin 说这可能就是回声室。


6. Book, the old Jewish Fagin has always been a trial fee payment from the psychological perspective.

7. Her abilities attracted the attention of the crime lord Fagin, who forced her into his employ.


8. While Fagin begged for more time, Sykes`s Dobermans came aboard the barge and began pushing everybody around.

9. There, he meets other orphaned children who grubbily root around for spare robot parts to bring back to their Fagin-like father figure, Hamegg.


10. Alí includes a variation on extendible hashing, as described in Fagin et al.9 Figure 5 shows an overview of our structure, which matches the structure shown in Fagin et al., 9 except that the bucket concept from standard extendible hashing is broken into a hash header and a list of key entries.
    ALI包括由Fagin et al.9设计的扩展HASH的一个变种。图5显示了我们结构的概要,它符合Fagin et al.9设计的结构,除了桶的概念。传统的扩展HASH中桶分为HASH头和键列表入口。


11. It tells the story of a poor orphan, Oliver, who survives starvation in the workhouse, life with the evil Fagin, kidnap and robbery before eventually finding happiness.


12. Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over, everybody sat down.


13. Why can't I lie by for a week or so, and, forcing blunt from Fagin, get abroad to France?

14. 'On your business, my dear, 'said Fagin, glancing at him uneasily.


15. I have it here, fagin. it's all in the chronicle.

16. With a sigh for every piece of money, Fagin put the agreed amount into her hand.

17. Nancy, still looking terribly upset, left the station, and hurried back to Fagin's house with this news.

18. 'Have you been at work this morning? 'Fagin asked the Dodger.

19. This is him, Fagin, the Dodger said to the old man. My friend O liver Twist.


20. The Dodger and Fagin caught him easily, and brought him back. The n the old man picked up a long piece of wood.

fagin 单语例句

1. The most successful beggars in the international trade club have graduated - Oliver has become Fagin.

fagin 英英释义


1. a villainous Jew in a novel by Charles Dickens

    e.g. Fagin was a fence who trained boys as pickpockets