fairy poet

fairy poet

fairy poet 双语例句


1. I tell childishness and fairy tale, the speech of elder Ceng Min says, he remembered a long time ago the poem that he writes childishness, anxious of elder poet Zheng grants to stand up reading poetry, professor of college of Hong Kong Chinese is told reach Andersen, young prince... I look at each writer scholar to stand up express childishness, those who feeling bamboo shoots in spring of bang of Pi Pi bang is gemmiparous, of childishness gemmiparous, feeling this world seem childishness general mobilization.

2. Li bai's alpine mountains, often appear romantic affair, vanilla notes, these beauties, fairy from the social reality of things look, the rich, the means of metaphor and complex isreposing poet of thoughts and feelings and pursuit.

3. These are lines written by Li Shangyin, a poet of the late Tang Dynasty in which he referred to the great friendship between Fairy Mother Goddess or Xi'Wang'Mu in Chinese and Emperor Mu of the Zhou Dynasty c.

4. Li Bai, an outstanding romantic poet in ancient China's Tang dynasty, is crowned as Fairy Poet.

fairy poet 单语例句

1. Poet Li Bai famously wrote that " the Kingdom of Shu has many fairy mountains, and Mount Emei stands above them all ".