fall apart

fall apart [fɔ:l əˈpɑ:t]  [fɔl əˈpɑrt] 

fall apart 基本解释

fall apart的解释

散架; 散开,崩溃,破碎; 圮

fall apart 网络解释

fall apart的解释

1. 四分五裂;崩溃:1.face to face 面对面 | 2.fall apart 四分五裂;崩溃 | 3.fall back on 依靠,求助于

2. 崩溃;解散:27 I'll say.我也有同感. | 28 Fall apart崩溃;解散 | 29 Fed up受不了了

3. 散架:face to face 面对面 | fall apart 散架 | fall asleep 睡着了

4. 崩溃:fall among 偶遇 | fall apart 崩溃 | fall asleep 入睡

fall apart 词典解释
fall apart 单语例句

1. Continuous rainfalls had caused the road to cave in and curbstones to fall apart at some sections of the road.

2. Gently smash the cucumbers with the side of your cleaver so they break, but do not quite fall apart.

3. The rest of Africans still live in the world of Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

4. Officials in Germany are investigating the mysterious case of the crumbling currency, as euro bills inexplicably fall apart in the hands of their owners.

5. A source told OK that Timberlake is " just not interested in getting married right now ", adding that he has seen too many marriages fall apart.

6. fall apart的近义词

6. This primary school has a history of more than 100 years but its building was too old and likely to fall apart at any time.

7. US government support helped Morgan nail down a critical deal that many investors had feared could fall apart.

8. Both sides stress the deal is not final and could fall apart over the issue of legal immunity for American troops.

9. They have taken to living in the tents " because we are afraid the building may fall apart when we are sleeping ".

10. fall apart的解释

10. The principle of not allowing use of schools and other public facilities for private business concerns will also fall apart.

fall apart 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. become separated into pieces or fragments

    e.g. The figurine broke
           The freshly baked loaf fell apart

    Synonym: break separate split up come apart

2. break or fall apart into fragments

    e.g. The cookies crumbled
           The Sphinx is crumbling

    Synonym: crumble

3. go to pieces

    e.g. The lawn mower finally broke
           The gears wore out
           The old chair finally fell apart completely

    Synonym: break wear wear out bust

4. lose one's emotional or mental composure

    e.g. She fell apart when her only child died

    Synonym: go to pieces