fall back

fall back [fɔ:l bæk]  [fɔl bæk] 

fall back 基本解释

fall back

后退, (对方因被击败而)退却

fall back 网络解释


1. 后退,退却:fall back on 求助于,转而依靠 | fall back 后退,退却 | fall behind 落在...后面,跟不上

2. 回落:回铃音 Ring Back Tone | 回落 Fall Back | 回声抵消法 Echo Canceling Method ECM

3. 后退:fall short of 不足,达不到 | fall back 后退 | fall back on求助于

4. 撤退,后退:sedan n. 色当(法国城市) | fall back 撤退,后退 | cut off 切断;割断;截断

fall back 词典解释
fall back 单语例句

1. She said the needles of real trees fall off easily and it's hard to keep a clean room once they are bought back home.

2. The device helps adjust the lower jaw to a forward position so that the tongue cannot fall back and block the air passage.

3. With NBC's ratings severely depressed this fall, the Super Bowl telecast presents a valuable opportunity to bring viewers back to the network.

4. With Essien out and Carvalho a possible absentee, more responsibility will fall on John Terry to keep things tight at the back.

5. fall back的近义词

5. The company's fall from grace is made all the more spectacular by looking back at its years of almost unparalleled success in the automotive sector.

6. But she plans to discuss it with him when they're back together this fall at Cornell University.

7. The market bounced back from a 2 percent fall in the previous session.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. At the end of competitions in Hong Kong, players go back to preparing for the Asian Games in Guangzhou this fall.

9. The girl was reportedly climbing onto the back of the sofa then jumping, prior to her fatal fall.

10. Because of Air China's promise to buy back shares if needed, analysts do not expect a sharp fall below the IPO price in coming months.

fall back 英英释义


1. go back to bad behavior

    e.g. Those who recidivate are often minor criminals

    Synonym: relapse lapse recidivate regress retrogress

2. retreat

    Synonym: lose drop off fall behind recede

3. fall back的解释

3. move back and away from

    e.g. The enemy fell back

4. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.

    Synonym: lag dawdle fall behind

5. fall back

5. fall backwards and down

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. have recourse to

    e.g. The government resorted to rationing meat

    Synonym: resort recur