false fruit

false fruit

false fruit 双语例句

false fruit

1. This special small true fruit induced by duplicata phenomenon is an interim type of inflorescence between the monochasium and raceme cup shaped cyme. Distinguish the True from the False and Determination of the Contents for Fruit Juice


2. Secondly, the neighbor coefficient was set to avoid multi-targets inside same fruit region, thirdly terminating threshold was set to prevent false object appearance in background;

3. Like the mother giving the birth, creation also needs to endure the pain, but as the fruit of creation, the children are the brand-new value judgment which has to discard the dross and select the essential and to eliminate the false and retain the true.

4. He met with friends as Tonglu Ren, glass windows were smashed, there are some people playing anonymous phone call to the mayor and newspaper editor, his false accusations in supermarkets licking fruit, the salad to the hotel, Tu Tuomo.