
faltering ['fɔ:ltərɪŋ]  ['fɔ:ltərɪŋ] 





faltering 基本解释


动词蹒跚; (嗓音)颤抖( falter的现在分词 ); 支吾其词; 摇晃

faltering 网络解释

1. 犹豫的:falter 支吾地说 | faltering 犹豫的 | falteringly 口吃地

2. 犹豫的、支吾的:? petrify 吓呆 | ? faltering 犹豫的、支吾的 | ? stammering 结结巴巴

3. 支吾的:falstaff 莎士比亚剧中一吹牛骑士 | faltering 支吾的 | falteringhaltingvacillating 犹豫的

4. 摇摇欲缀的:牐52. contingency 偶然事件,紧急情况 | 牐53. faltering 摇摇欲缀的 | 牐54. take away from 减损,减少

faltering 词典解释

1. (尝试、努力或行动)犹疑的,彷徨的,踉跄的
    A faltering attempt, effort, or movement is uncertain because the person doing it is nervous or weak, or does not really know what to do.

    e.g. 'Now I feel I can do it,' he said in faltering English...
    e.g. Leaning on Jon, Michael took faltering steps to the bathroom.

faltering 单语例句

1. British authorities say Northern Ireland's faltering peace process cannot resume until the outlawed paramilitary group halts criminal activity.

2. faltering是什么意思

2. It has been alleged the actress had been using drugs and alcohol to cope with her money problems and faltering love life.

3. faltering

3. Earnings are forecast to be little changed this year as North American operations have been hurt by faltering consumer demand.

4. The US says the results of the South Waziristan campaign will also help determine the success of the faltering American war effort in Afghanistan.

5. Shares extended a global rout today after an unexpected drop in US consumer confidence fueled concern that the recovery in the world economy is faltering.

6. The instrument's exuberant rhythms revitalize Walter's faltering spirit and open his eyes to a vibrant world of local jazz clubs and Central Park drum circles.

7. The bank said profit growth slowed in the third quarter and that recovery in emerging markets may be faltering.

8. Industrial production has been faltering in China due to sapping external markets and authorities'hesitance to issue stimulus policies for fear of stoking inflation.

9. Ground control failed to establish contact and the probe's orbit is faltering.

10. It is impossible to tell whether their investment strategies are on fire, or whether analysts are just extrapolating from a few faltering funds and fearing the worst.

faltering 英英释义



1. the act of pausing uncertainly

    e.g. there was a hesitation in his speech

    Synonym: hesitation waver falter
