
families ['fæməlɪz]  ['fæməlɪz] 


families 基本解释
家族;家( family的名词复数 );家庭;语族;
families 网络解释

1. 家族:例如养鸽者在讨论有关血统(strains)、家族(families)及品种(breeds)时并不在意它在生物学上真正定义是什么. 本连载所谈到的杂交、近交及远亲的繁殖等概念,都经由欧洲著名的养鸽者来下定义. 我们所谈到的杂交是指上六代之内都没有相关血源关系的鸽子相互交配,

2. 科:B型肝炎病毒病毒在分类学上可分为科(families)与属(genera). 就像其他微生物一样,科名主要会依据核酸的种类:DNA或RNA,双股或单股及复制方法来分类;第二种依据是病毒的形状,可分为二十面体对称、复合对称或是螺旋状对称;再者则是病毒大小,

3. 家人:2007/10/21 21:52:00 谢谢谢伯伯与永怀大哥的创业故事分享,也顺便来补充一下我本来想问,但后来还是去google找到的名词解释:3F投资人,其意指家人(FAMILIES)、朋友(FRIENDS)及傻瓜(FOOLS)」.

families 单语例句

1. families是什么意思

1. " In most families the office of butler was one which commanded respect and even awe, " Horn wrote.

2. And after years of communication, 192 Russian families choose to buy homes and settle down.

3. The children wear threadbare clothes and use poor stationeries so as not to ask their families for money to buy new ones.

4. The remaining 40 per cent slightly better off families will have to buy their own.

5. families什么意思

5. Many families once content to buy now and pay later are eager to trim their reliance on credit cards.

6. French lace families systematically buy Leavers machines that go up for sale, keeping their competitive advantage at home.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Chinese families save for buying apartments, their children's education and medical expenses.

8. One of the biggest challenges for families is helping their child understand why they may have been abandoned by their birth parents.

9. There are no husbands and fathers here - lovers meet at night but live separately with their own mother's families by day.

10. The ministry plans to diversify avenues of reunion by expanding letter exchanges and bringing more families together at reunion events.