
farewell [ˌfeəˈwel]  [ˌferˈwel] 


farewell 基本解释

名词告别,欢送; 欢送会; 告别辞

int.再见,再会; 一路平安


farewell 相关例句


1. His farewell speech was very touching.


1. Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next time.


1. We've decided to have a farewell party before we leave the school.

2. They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship.

farewell 网络解释


1. 告别:连音乐行家也得费点功夫来辨认海顿的升F小调第四十五号交响曲,若称它为<<告别>>(Farewell),即使那些不甚熟悉这首作品的人,也会因而联想起在结尾时演奏的人愈来愈少,到终场时无人留在演奏台上的那首作品.

2. <<别>:主要包括社会文化习惯和民族文化特点的交际用语和词汇,比如姓名(Name)、打招呼(Greeting) 、感谢语(Thanking) 、告别 (Farewell) 等,中西方表达的方式不尽相同.

3. 再见啦:Fantastic! -- 妙极了! | Farewell! -- 再见啦! | Fifty-fifty! -- 对半分!

4. 再见:Fantastic!-妙极了! | Farewell!-再见! | Fifty-fifty!-对半分!

farewell 词典解释

1. 同 goodbye
    Farewell means the same as goodbye .

farewell 单语例句

1. Sunday's match marked Zidane's farewell to soccer but was marred by his sending off which stunned villagers in the local Cafe Zizou.

2. The price did not include the cost of a cinerary casket or farewell ceremony.

3. Last week he visited the team's Enstone factory in central England on a similar farewell visit.

4. The cheerful farewell party came to an emotional moment as a song named " Don't go my friends " brought the atmosphere to a high tide.

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5. The China Open organizers had been planning the farewell party for a long time, an act that moved the current world No 59 a great deal.

6. He was around the university as Sen was leaving it in 1958, but did not have the courage to come up to him and bid him farewell.

7. You can't use the style I used in'Farewell My Concubine'again.

8. The blockbuster films Farewell My Concubine and M Butterfly both feature nan dan performers who are effeminate and gay.

9. farewell

9. She is behind the applauded looks of Leslie Cheung as Concubine Yu in movie director Chen Kaige's 1993 classic Farewell My Concubine.

10. Many Canadians sent flowers to Layton's constituency's office in Toronto, bidding farewell to their leader.

farewell 英英释义


1. the act of departing politely

    e.g. he disliked long farewells
           he took his leave
           parting is such sweet sorrow

    Synonym: leave leave-taking parting

2. an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting

    Synonym: word of farewell