farming area

farming area

farming area 单语例句

1. The resulting complex represents both the changes in that coastal area - more tourism, less farming - and Chile's determination to get noticed.

2. He added that the glacial recession would affect farming irrigation and therefore people's livelihood in a vast area of north and central China.

3. Last year's grain output growth was mainly due to the increase of farming area and enhancement of productivity.

4. There are more than ten thousand residents living in dozens of towns and kibbutz farming villages in the area.

5. The area is going to adopt scientific methods for land management and actively promote agricultural mechanization through the whole farming process.

6. The area has no other industry for 20 kilometers and the local government enforces green farming.

7. The city's plateau area is touted as the grain base for northern Henan, and is credited with China's quality wheat production and organic vegetable farming.

8. Its 100 residents plan to move en masse to a farming area near the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon.