
farsighted ['fɑ:'saɪtɪd]  ['fɑ:'saɪtɪd] 

farsighted 基本解释


形容词有远见的; 目光如炬; 有先见之明

farsighted 网络解释


1. 有远见的:farside 较远的 | farsighted 有远见的 | fart 屁

2. 遠視:shortsighted 近视 | farsighted 远视 | colorblind 色盲

3. 能看到远处的:farseeing 目光远大的 | farsighted 能看到远处的 | farsightedforesightedlong-sightedprescientprevisionalprovidentsecond-sighted 有先见之明的

4. 视野开阔:Mix cultural 多元文化 | Farsighted 视野开阔 | Cosmopolitan 都市

farsighted 单语例句

1. So deft were the engineers of the times, and so farsighted was their vision that the canal is in use even today.

2. So the strategy should be farsighted and sustainable, and conducive to stimulating China's internal dynamism for future growth.

3. Facts have proved that he was much more farsighted than some Western leaders.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. It will become clear that the establishment of such a relationship between the two neighbors was a wise and farsighted decision of great historic significance.

5. He said an increasing number of powerful and farsighted Chinese enterprises have actively exploited the US market in recent years.

6. farsighted

6. However, good public policy also should be farsighted and avoid higher costs for citizens.

7. Some European cities have shown what farsighted policies in efficient transport can achieve.

8. He is farsighted and enthusiastic and sets the vision for our development.

farsighted 英英释义


1. planning prudently for the future

    e.g. large goals that required farsighted policies
           took a long view of the geopolitical issues

    Synonym: farseeing foresighted foresightful prospicient long longsighted

2. able to see distant objects clearly

    Synonym: presbyopic